Author Topic: California Tries To Stop Florida From Stealing Jobs By Invoking Global Warming  (Read 196 times)

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California Tries To Stop Florida From Stealing Jobs By Invoking Global Warming

May 2, 2016| by Brian Anderson

While he was Governor of Texas, Republican Rick Perry did an awesome job of purging companies from he high tax and unreasonable regulations of California. With the Golden State poised to raise the minimum wage to 15/hour, Republican Florida Governor Rick Scott figures he can do the same. Rather than make things more business-friendly, California is fighting back the only way liberals know how: with utter stupidity. Democrat Governor Jerry Brown thinks he can keep businesses from leaving with a dire warning about man-made global warming.

Rick Scott began running radio ads in California welcoming businesses to move to Florida to avoid the ridiculous minimum wage increase. Scott then actually traveled to California to meet with company owners in an effort to purge them.

Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown’s response to Scott’s campaign to attract California companies to Florida was to write him a condescending letter:

    If you’re truly serious about Florida’s economic wellbeing, it’s time to stop the silly political stunts and start doing something about climate change – two words you won’t even let state officials say. The threat is real and so too will be the devastating impacts.

Brown then attached a report on man-made global warming commissioned by billionaire gun-hater nanny-state Michael Bloomberg and billionaire environmentalist crackpot Tom Steyer. Like anything from these two isn’t the most biased/slanted/factually-challenged thing ever. In this report, apparently Florida is about to be swallowed up by the ocean because of cow farts and too many people not driving hybrids.

The Huffington Post referred to Brown’s response as a “climate change burn.” Sick burn indeed. Jerry Brown just tried to convince businesses to stay in the unfriendly environment of California because of a thing that liberals made up might sink Florida into the sea.

This is kind of like if Scott had told California companies to move to Florida because an earthquake might split the West Coast off and drop it into the ocean. Actually, that’s not a fair comparison. Earthquakes are a real thing while man-made global warming is a figment of the left’s imagination. Also, Florida has policies that promote business, while California goes out of its way to make things costly and difficult for companies to operate.

Brown concluded his “climate change burn” with a warning that Scott had to act immediately or Florida would be lost for good:

    So, while you’re enjoying a stroll on one of California’s beautiful beaches this week, don’t stick your head in the sand. Take a few minutes to read the rest of this report. There’s no time to waste.

Even if we can pretend that man-made global warming is real, how exactly is the Governor of Florida supposed to stop it? Even crazier in this “what if” game, if this mythical force of climate change is moments away from destroying Florida, having all the power in the world couldn’t stop it.

This is nothing but liberal alarmism trying to cover up shitty liberal governance. Pay no attention to how bad democrats are at creating jobs and expanding the economy because there is an evil force that is about to destroy everything.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2016, 04:17:42 pm by rangerrebew »