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Kasich Loses On Terrain He'd Hoped to be Friendly
« on: April 28, 2016, 11:37:08 am »
He needs to drop out.  He has a trickle of delegates and no more seem to be coming in.  At this point, he's definitely hurt Cruz along the way and at this point I see him doing more harm to the party than good.  I still question where he's getting his money to stay in the race.  Trump is my guess.

John Kasich Loses on Terrain He’d Hoped to be Friendly

For months, as Ohio Gov. John Kasich trailed in the GOP presidential race, his aides and supporters said his moment would come when the campaign moved into the more-moderate Northeast.

The five states that voted Tuesday were thought to harbor large pockets of voters drawn to Mr. Kasich’s strain of solutions-oriented conservatism.

But GOP voters in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island instead sided overwhelmingly with frontrunner Donald Trump. The results weren’t just bad news for Mr. Kasich’s struggling presidential campaign. They marked a turning point for a fading brand of Republicanism.

A recent Kasich strategy memo singled out 11 congressional districts in Maryland and Connecticut where he hoped to beat Mr. Trump. In Maryland, “our data show that Trump could lose to Kasich in almost any district” but one on the state’s Eastern Shore, the memo said.

Instead, Mr. Trump didn’t just win every county in all five states; he won all but two counties by double digits.

The morning after, Kasich advisers said they considered it a victory that he placed second in four of the five states. But he trailed by margins ranging from 29.5 percentage points in Connecticut to more than 40 in Delaware.

And in Pennsylvania, held up by Mr. Kasich as the state of his birth, he came in third behind Mr. Trump by about 37 points and behind Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas by 2.

“It was disappointing,” said Tom Rath, a Kasich adviser in New Hampshire. “Donald Trump had a big night in an area where we were clearly hoping to do better.”

Mr. Kasich has been running on traditional credentials—his long record of government service, his foreign-policy knowledge and his ability to forge legislative compromises. But it has long been clear that 2016 is a tough time for old-school Republicans who hold or are drawn to that kind of resume.

One is former New Hampshire Sen. Judd Gregg, who was elected as a delegate to the GOP convention supporting Jeb Bush and, after the former Florida governor dropped out of the race, endorsed Mr. Kasich. But Mr. Gregg is now so discouraged by the course of the GOP campaign and the state of the party that he recently resigned his slot as a convention delegate and will not go to Cleveland.

“What we have is a party of shouters,” said Mr. Gregg.

He was disappointed in Mr. Kasich when his campaign this week announced an agreement with rival Sen. Ted Cruz to coordinate strategy to block Mr. Trump—the kind of deal critics said smacked of politics as usual.

“He destroyed his brand of being above the fray,” said Mr. Gregg, who said he believed the deal contributed to Mr. Kasich’s losses on Tuesday. “People threw up their hands and said “They are all the same.’ ”

Kasich aides said the agreement was a pragmatic decision about allocating campaign resources wisely to block Mr. Trump, and that supporters shouldn’t see it as inconsistent with his message.

“What they are seeing is a candidate willing to put what he sees as best for the country first,” said Kasich spokesman Chris Schrimpf.

Terry Madonna, a pollster at Franklin & Marshall College in Pennsylvania who studied that state’s primary with particular care, said Tuesday’s results have more to do with Mr. Trump’s strengths than Mr. Kasich’s weaknesses.

“There is a growing sense of inevitability that Trump is going to be the nominee,” said Mr. Madonna. “He swept virtually every region of the state, even down in the Philadelphia suburbs where Kasich was expected to be strong.”

Mr. Rath agreed that the rise of Trumpism has cast a long shadow over the long-dominant governing wing of the party, but he wondered if the eclipse of establishment politicians would be lasting.

“I don’t think they are a dying breed, but they are not the flavor of the month,’’ he said. “I don’t want to downplay what’s happening. But whether this is a permanent change or uniquely related to a particular candidate I don’t know.”

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