Author Topic: You can't make this stuff up: Feelin' the Bern from the "Bernie Sanders Presidential Candidate for the People" facebook page  (Read 1019 times)

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Offline mountaineer

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I came across this when I noticed my dingbat cousin posting there.

Let's start with this lovely sentiment posted by Joanna Morrison, of Poca, W.Va. (I'll censor her cursewords, for your reading pleasure)
2 hrs

I've been able to keep a neutral stance on Hillary and her supporters until today! So, now I'm going to f*****g vent! Just came close to saying some nasty crap to a pro Hillary group, but refrained. Thought maybe you guys might tolerate this old hippie gal a wee bit better. Here goes; Today every f*****g media site, most f*****g newspapers, and more social media posts than I could read in a damn month have minimized, ignored,and ridiculed Bernie's win in Michigan. So their consensus is that it's virtually impossible for Bernie to overtake Ms. Clinton's lead. You know what....THESE PEOPLE CAN GO F**K THEMSELVES!!! The conclusion they seem to have arrived at is Bernie Sanders and his supporters are just a little inconvenience, a mere bump in the road, on their journey to The White House! That's just not freakin happening! We aren't stopping, we aren't losing momentum, we don't give a rat's ass what the surveys say, or the media's constant lies........we're here to stay! We are awake now, and no longer will we tolerate the status quo. I'm so thrilled younger people everywhere are supporting Bernie, however I'm sick and beyond frustrated with the media's portrayal of a "typical" Sander's supporter. Younger folks, mostly white, average income below 50k.....where do they come up with this horse s**t? I'm a 61 year old white female, married, retired and never have, nor will ever be anything but a hard core liberal. I've wanted a candidate like Bernie since Bobby Kennedy was murdered. This is also a shout out for Boomers for Bernie. Speak up! Make yourselves known! Tell those a**wipes the rebel generation of the 60's and 70's is still out there. That we haven't forgotten our principles, we still want change an equality even more than we did then. I want a country and planet worth living on to leave my kids and grandkids. This is our's time to work harder than ever in anyway that we can. Sorry this is sooo long, but I had to vent! Might prevent me from lashing out on my crazy, redneck neighbors! Bern Baby, Bern
Well, alrighty.

Judy Brown Dorris
12 hrs · Floyd, GA, United States

I am sick to death of people making comments about Southerners and Blacks being stupid , uneducated and voting against their own interests . Until a couple of years ago I was uninformed , that is until a couple of years ago when I was able to afford cable that had FSTV and RT . I had no idea that I was being either lied to or straight out not being told at all ! But I am informed now and have been working my ass of to inform others . You have no idea how hungry the people are for the TRUTH . Many , many people cannot afford cable or internet they are uninformed not stupid . I belong to 2 other Bernie groups who do not allow this kind of judgement or profiling , I will stay with those groups , But I am leaving this one . I will continue to reach out to people about Bernie and his policies and ideas . But I damned sure am not sticking around people who I thought were like minded , but show me every single day they do not act or talk as Bernie would .
Whatever happened? She discovered that Sanders supporters were closed-minded jerks? Thank goodness some equally illiterate Bern-feelers will set her straight:
Bradley S. Terry
 Why does everyone not try talking this way. No It is not perfect, Though neither is it degrading to anyone. If you want a better future you have to build it. Not beat up on those who may take longer to come around. We all have a different way of thinking, Understanding is the key to achieve ones goals and patience is what is needed to begin. Proud southerner for the humanity of all!

I am amazed there are not more choosing to vote for Bernie Sanders here in Alabama! Much less in other parts of the country. Everyone calls it free stuff. We all know it is not. However we are far from a fair and just system!

Our infrastructure is crumbling around us. Bernie's plans does not want to give away your dollars but invest in improving the quality of our surroundings while providing many needed jobs. In effect that leads us into the future while dealing with of todays problems. Which left to be continually set aside, is in it's self our biggest downfalls.

Our education system is inadequate when you need to have a degree to do more than flip a burger. Yet that is where we have been for three decades at least.. You either go in debt before you even have a job, even as jobs have been leaving America. And still you starve as the cost of everything goes up regardless of grades dreams or ambition!

Health care should have been offered at 25.00 dollars per member per household. 320 million x 25.00 = 8 billion a month x 12 = 96 billion a year + investments from those dollars. It comes to well over a trillion a year for an already insurance poor society. From work comp, home, car life, burial, disability, renters and fire just to name a few.

That's over a trillion a year from birth to death and growing. Where they now take your home bank accounts and more to cover the high cost of inflated care. We have yet to fully see the effects of this. When almost all inheritance is gone from many, who have over the years had a chane to get ahead opening a shop or in having a place to live in order to provide better for there families.

I really do not understand why people would not vote to level the playing field so future generations can have better than we have been treated. You can not ever build by dividing or come to understanding when conflict reins over sanity. We are far from where our parents were in the ability to provide a home a car or even food on our tables. If a living wage is not enforce for equality and justice. The choices we face are limited in more ways than I can state.

Things have increased far past incomes and yet what is being provided a signal we paid to provide only to go bankrupt as we are bullied into high rates. Phone, cable and internet all want 100 plus a month, even as they run across the same signal. But all people fuss about is health care?

Cars were already so expensive by the time I could drive I have never owned a new one in my life time and at 50 now I never will. But I helped bail them out by paying my taxes. Just a little ironic don't you think? Cars have been sold for the price of houses for decades and yet our streets are filled with the homeless living in poverty as we make excuses and blindly ignore our on shame only to blame others we know nothing about!

In compassionately we still put people in prison for what is legal in half the country and pay by far higher for a cell than the wellbeing of people living on the streets across the nation. I live on disability at 780 a month. No food stamps, no public housing, unable to pay for the basic needs of survival. Much less left with felling that there is hope just around the corner Yet in prison I am worth well over 20,000.00 thousand a year. That some see only as their tax dollars and call it justice. Something is very wrong in a society that believes the equality of humanity is based upon solely the right to stand on others heads to insure they drown! Only to kill the American Dream in so many!

I say go Bernie not for me! But for the humanity of which changes the direction of the coming in sewing madness that makes Hitler look like a saint. I will never vote for Trump or Hillary and see no one but Bernie that can make the change needed for all human life to coexist together!

It is funny how people think they are not socialist when driving on public roads to get too church, going to public national parks, beaches, hospitals and schools. Much less carry all the social ID's required . They do not seem to understand they are born into a socialist society and strive for social skills needed to advance ahead to become acceptable within the guidelines of socialistic ideals.

None of us are really socialistically superior enough to be God. But hey lets claim liberal socialism is the death of all life as judgement continues to be passed which is not yours too judge. I say Go Bernie! Before these madding enthusiast open the gates of hell which brings about the second coming of the greatest socialist of all while each independently is to be judged based upon their merits of compassion to all humanity as a whole. Every vote is to be for humanity! If not we have failed to understand our true worth within society. While limiting others abilities to do the same even as we call ourselves compassionate Christians.

Shelia Powers
Shelia Powers That is great. I've been a Bernie Sanders Admirer (there was a FB page lol) for years now, so I am really happy to see that so many people are now supporting him! I think people of any or no political party would back him if they really knew all the facts. Like, college used to be free or nearly free in the USA until conservatives rigged it to become so expensive. This also keeps students from being politically active b/c they're working so hard & also feel so powerless.

All the rigging of our political, criminal, educational & social systems by the GOP was done in the 70s & 80s to not only gain wealth themselves, but to disempower the people by making us all spend most of our time just struggling to get by & not really thinking of the big picture. That was because of all the protests in the 60s and 70s against the war and for civil rights.

They have intentionally kept us struggling & obedient. Their housing program for black men especially, also poor white men & POC too has been mass incarceration that these uberwealthy people actually profit from. It is immoral & outrageous. frown emoticon And actually, incarceration of women has skyrocketed too. But you know this & I'm just writing this for those who don't if they happen to read this. smile emoticon

Shelia Powers
Shelia Powers Not to mention that there have been right wingers trying to undo the New Deal of FDR that created the middle class! This is how all the right wing Christians came to be! They were recruited starting in the 50s to preach the Ayn Rand like view of life, which actually is exactly like that that of the Church of Satan! There are many, many Christians who are NOT in league with them & who do not support these evil plans.
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And Muslims love him, so what more need be said?
Amir Parvez‎
 Bernie Sanders- Presidential Candidate For The People
1 hr ·

Bernie Sanders Won Big with Michigan Muslims — and political pundits can’t quite believe It... Muslims voting for a Jew??
That's what happens when people recognize a humanist candidate and vote for the sake of humanity, not divisive stuff like religion.

I'm an atheist and I'm proud of those Muslims as well as people of any religion/race who are voting for him for all the right reasons. Like Bernie said... We need to work together to make our lives better, not other people's lives worse!

And you can love the Bern without being all-that-mean to Hillary, honest.
Violet Ibach

 I agree that Hillary's a slimy, gross a*****e, and I also agree that we "have no business speaking on his behalf." However, he holds himself to a higher standard than those around him. That's one of the reasons we all like him so much. To follow his example is something that would not only be pleasing to him, but also be more conducive to attracting others to our cause. I am fine with calling her out on her record, and even saying things like "slimy, gross a*****e," but when people start waxing misogynistic, start bringing up Bill's infidelity like it's her fault, calling her a shrill harpy witch and other coded insults, it's too much. Bernie himself has said that he doesn't want that crap. If you support him, it would be good to follow his example.
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Why support Bernie? Let Rhonda Crouch explain it to you:
Sen Bernie Sanders 2016
3 hrs

I'll start!!

Hi, I'm Rhonda and I'm an Aquarius
/Administrator on this page, with DeAndre Halbert an early life school chum of mine from Chicagoland, and a few others.

I live in San Jose, CA. I have a full-time day job in Customer Service, but by night I'm...a Singer/Superhero (in my own mind). I'm 47 and I'm a Cougar (no shame in my game). Never married, No kids, but I've worked with kids including Special Needs and Juveniles so I have a lot of behavioral training background.

I'm a Berner because I love humankind and nature, and I hate to see suffering, discrimination, and sickness. I've been abroad and seen how Germany does it, and they don't have a lot of homelessness, crime or general unhappiness.

As the Country with the highest GDP per capita in the world, I want the US to evolve to a place where we take much better care of our poor (or becoming poor), homeless, undereducated, and mentally ill. All issues that started happening in 1980s. We need to go back and get the USA back on track with the COLA and health care - physical and mental - and get the corporate taxes back on track and their money out of our political process.

Nice to meet you. Please tell me why you're a Berner.

You don't have to be grammatically challenged to be a Berner, but it seems to help.
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Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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I want the US to evolve to a place where we take much better care of our poor (or becoming poor), homeless, undereducated, and mentally ill.

All measures that got much worse under Obama, right?

Offline mountaineer

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They seem to believe that Bernie, unlike BHO, will take care of veterans, too.   :shrug:
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