Author Topic: Breaking: Secret Service Visits The Blaze Studios Following Glenn Beck Stabbing Comments  (Read 4819 times)

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Offline mountaineer

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Thing is BECK was not juking and would stap TRUMP if got close enough IMO. However he would have to get close enough from behind because TRUMP would kick the s*** out of him if he confronted him physically. Bet on It. BECK is a NUT job and deserves to be watched. He will try and hurt someone IMO! :2gunz:
He was talking about stabbing his sidekick Stu, not Trump.
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Offline mountaineer

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From Stu Buruiere's Facebook:

Stu Burguiere
I'm not sure exactly how this got started, but it's made for an interesting afternoon.

 It was reported that Glenn had threatened to stab a presidential candidate this morning - which was odd, since I was on the show with him and didn't notice anything like that. (Although, I do tune him out from time to time.)

 Of course, if you were listening, you know that Glenn actually threatened ME, not Donald Trump. So, I am now stuck in the odd situation of defending my boss for threatening my life.

 Basically, Glenn was talking about what candidates should say when asked if they would vote for Donald Trump. He said, "I dont know what I would say if I were sitting in their shoes."

 Obviously, he meant if "I were in their shoes" or if "I had to walk a day in their shoes" but he butchered the analogy. So, I made fun of him. As I do, every day.

 I asked "why would you be sitting in someones shoes?" But, we were sort of talking over each other. So, Glenn stopped his point to hear what I said, (you can see him pause and listen), and I reiterated "Do they have gigantic shoes? Why would you be sitting in them?"

 At that point he said TO ME, not to any of the candidates, but TO ME, "if I were close enough and had a knife, the stabbing would not stop."

 As he says this, you can see both Glenn and myself smiling and laughing. The video is here, watch for yourself, but a couple of points:

 To be fair to the media, some sites edited the transcript, so getting the wrong idea was somewhat understandable. They also didn't know by just those few seconds of audio that we were in different locations. Glenn was in DC at CPAC, I was in Dallas. That's why he said "if I were close enough."

 Additionally, this is how we bust on each other all the time. If you listen **at all** you know that.

 It's akin to the conversation:

 --HOLY CRAP- did you see that actor stumble on his way into the room! Why didn't they edit that out or do a retake!!!
 --Actually, that's Kramer. It's what he does in every episode of Seinfeld.
 --OK but why is Jerry so mean to that mailman!

 Anyway, the video speaks for itself. Thanks to The Hill, Politico, Daily Caller, Ben Shapiro, Brad Thor, Dana and many others for correcting and clarifying. Special thanks to to the fine people at Right Wing Watch who tweeted:

 @RightWingWatch: We’re obviously not fans of Glenn Beck, but he was clearly jokingly threatening @WorldOfStu, not Trump.

 I will say that this is was a disturbing revelation:

 @iamjasond: I feel bad this went from BECK WANT TO STAB TRUMP to Never mind, he was JUST talking about his cohost #StuLivesMatter

 Here are a couple of the stories if you want to check them out:

 Mediaite: No, Glenn Beck Did Not Say He Would Have Stabbed Trump at Last Night’s GOP Debate

 Love this headline: Glenn Beck jokes about stabbing producer

 Notably as of 4:45pm, Breitbart still leads with the quote and picture of Glenn, even though the clarification from the Daily Caller is included in its story from hours and hours earlier. They just really care about my life apparently.

 Update: Breitbart has corrected the story. Thanks to everyone who took the time to look into this.

 I feel like the Internet worked today.
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Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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This sort of nonsense doesn't help the anti-Trump side at all.

It isn't only his followers who are becoming unhinged.

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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This is just manufactured, twisted garbage from team Trump.

Ah, I see now. Thank you.

Offline mountaineer

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This is just manufactured, twisted garbage from team Trump.
Trying to paint him as martyr is a stretch (to say the least).
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Offline NavyCanDo

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Yet when Trump said he could shoot people on fifth Avenue, you Trumpsters said nothing, except in defense of what he said.
A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it. :Jonathan Cahn

Offline aligncare

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I gave it its own thread. One you'll avoid like the plague, no doubt.

That's the way it works. You're free to ignore any of my comments or my OPs.

Offline katzenjammer

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This is just manufactured, twisted garbage from team Trump.

I wouldn't say that it was from "team Trump," rather a segment of the online media that loves to sieze upon any story that will boost page views, at least for an hour or two.

I will say this, as someone that has watched Mr. Beck descend from a bonafide truth-teller, one that brought light to many topics that languished in the shadows for far too long, to an often unhinged emo in comfortable clothing.

From listening to the audio tapes (a few times over), it is apparent that he was clumsily counterattacking his co-host, Stu, who had just mocked him for his butchered comment about "sitting in their shoes."

Beck is often way out beyond the pale lately, but I don't believe that he was talking about stabbing Don Trump on Friday.

Offline aligncare

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I wouldn't say that it was from "team Trump," rather a segment of the online media that loves to sieze upon any story that will boost page views, at least for an hour or two.

I will say this, as someone that has watched Mr. Beck descend from a bonafide truth-teller, one that brought light to many topics that languished in the shadows for far too long, to an often unhinged emo in comfortable clothing.

From listening to the audio tapes (a few times over), it is apparent that he was clumsily counterattacking his co-host, Stu, who had just mocked him for his butchered comment about "sitting in their shoes."

Beck is often way out beyond the pale lately, but I don't believe that he was talking about stabbing Don Trump on Friday.

It's a vicious political season, every story is suspect. That means every story across the board – hear that sink? It goes all ways.

Offline NavyCanDo

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I haven't seen any thing from any actual news source. Nothing but the same briefly worded internet story posted on every pro-trump site, and the headline.  And I Googled it believe me.

Not saying they didn't contact him, because that I just don't know yet. Not going to convince me from this one internet story posted over and over again. Beck will I'm sure say something Monday on his show about this be it true or not. But if they did contact him, you can bet Trump demanded the Secret Service attached to him, do something. The way he will be using them to bully all those opposing him as president. 

As far as what he said, yea, I agree it should not have been said, even though he was joking, and meant none of it literally.  And I think we have all used that same sort of language about someone who we can't stand - but not really mean it any of it. But he "and WE" need to understand that once a candidate is under Secret Service protection, they can take every thing you say or post seriously. And I said "WE" because it happens on political discussion forums, and social media as well, saying something against a sitting president that was really not meant to be taken literally. But try explaining that to the men in black suits knocking on your door.  I've seen people here on TBR, get advised to delete comments just left.

In any case this is all ado about nothing. Beck was joking. He's not going to be dragged into jail, he is not having his concealed  carry permit taken away, he is not going to be put on the no-fly list. All rumors Trumpsters are trying to start.   What is going to happen, is he will give a brief statement about this Monday, and there will be no more said on the subject on the web or otherwise.
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If those threats were against Cruz or Rubio you'd be screaming your head off. Don't try to deny it. If it were your guy you'd have your talking point, and you'd be a happy little camper, too.


Truth hurts.


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Beck is often way out beyond the pale lately, but I don't believe that he was talking about stabbing Don Trump on Friday.


I have to agree with that, simply because Beck is not sitting in a jail cell posting bond.

Offline mountaineer

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I have to agree with that, simply because Beck is not sitting in a jail cell posting bond.
Hey, I know! Why don't you try reading what Beck's coworker Stu posted about it? This had nothing to do with Trump.
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Offline Frank Cannon

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Politics makes lunatics of otherwise normal people. Except for Glenn Beck, he's a lunatic all of the time.

Trump was asked to weigh in on his supporters’ actions on Fox & Friends Sunday morning. “Maybe he should have been roughed up,” he said. “It was disgusting what he was doing.”

Offline alicewonders

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Hey, I know! Why don't you try reading what Beck's coworker Stu posted about it? This had nothing to do with Trump.

Can't speak for anyone else, but Stu has no credibility with me. 
Don't tread on me.   8888madkitty

We told you Trump would win - bigly!

Offline NavyCanDo

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The Daily Caller accidentally ran an incorrect take regarding Glenn Beck‘s Friday radio show, and other media outlets — including Mediaite — shortly followed suit.

The conservative radio host — and fervent Ted Cruz supporter — was mistakenly thought to have revealed on his show Friday what he would have done if he were on stage at Thursday night’s Republican debate in Detroit: stab Donald Trump.

The Daily Caller reported that Beck described the situation of standing next to the GOP frontrunner with his weapon of choice at the Fox Theatre, telling his listeners with a laugh, “If I was close enough and had a knife, really… the stabbing just wouldn’t stop.”
The Daily Caller accidentally ran an incorrect take regarding Glenn Beck‘s Friday radio show, and other media outlets — including Mediaite — shortly followed suit.

The conservative radio host — and fervent Ted Cruz supporter — was mistakenly thought to have revealed on his show Friday what he would have done if he were on stage at Thursday night’s Republican debate in Detroit: stab Donald Trump.

The Daily Caller reported that Beck described the situation of standing next to the GOP frontrunner with his weapon of choice at the Fox Theatre, telling his listeners with a laugh, “If I was close enough and had a knife, really… the stabbing just wouldn’t stop.”

A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it. :Jonathan Cahn