Author Topic: 'tween Rock 'n Hard place  (Read 1072 times)

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'tween Rock 'n Hard place
« on: February 25, 2016, 04:13:47 pm »
Ted Cruz is taking a pounding between Trump and Rubio.  But why?  Rubio needs Cruz out of the way in hopes he can fill his shoes and be the nom.  Trump fears Cruz and needs him out of the way so he can take the nom.

But the real question is this:  Can any of the 3 take the crown?

Trump:  He is pulling from disenchanted Dems, Independents and the less conservative Repubs.

Rubio:  He pulls from the center of the Repubs who are solid establishment and a few Independents.

Cruz:  Pulls deep into the Repubs who are staunch conservatives, the Tea Party Block and some Independents.

In order to win 100% of all Repubs have to show up at the polls AND we have to have a STRONG showing of Independents AND we have to pull from the disenchanted Dems that is what it will take for the GOP to take the Crown.

HildaBeast on the other hand has less of a hill to climb.  The Dems can count on minority votes anywhere from 70% to 90+ %, that is in the can, add that to the current folks who identify with the Dimocrat party and she has the numbers to walk in the door.

There is one other opportunity in play that can help the GOP and that there are enough people on the left who just don't trust BroomHilda and they won't vote.  If enough stay home we win, but even then we have to amass a strong showing at the polls.

If we look at the numbers we see that Trump has to break over 50% of the votes cast in order to bring home the trophy, he is not doing least yet.  Cruz, Rubio are sharing the other half.

Now it comes down to a couple of questions:  If Cruz drops out, where do his votes go?  My bet is the bulk will go to trump and Rubio picking up about 25%.  If Rubio drops out, Cruz will take almost all of his votes and of course this is what Trump is afraid of...mano mano Trump vs Cruz.  If Trump drops out where would his voters go, you guessed it Cruz, not Rubio.

In a heads up match up:   Hildy vs Trump or Curz or Rubio who wins?

Tuesday will be the ‘tale of the tape’.  Texas, Florida and Ohio are MUST wins for Cruz, Rubio, Kasich respectively!

While Trump is a media darling what happens if he becomes the only man standing, does he become a dead man walking, because my bet is th media will turn on him when they have to chose between him or her!
Don:  Got here thru God, Guns and Guts, I speak John Wayne, Johnny Cash and John Deere; this make ME: Christian, Conservative, Capitalist, Constitutionalist...

Offline GAJohnnie

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Re: 'tween Rock 'n Hard place
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2016, 04:50:17 pm »
I think it  would be wise to not underestimate Trump vrs Hillary

In June 2015 Trump had a negative rating with GOP voters of 67%, it is 18% now.

Clinton, on the other hand, has shown that the more she campaigns, they less favorable her ratings. Here unfavorable have gone up since she started campaigning.

Frankly I would rather be in Trumps shoes then Clintons on the "likability" issue. Trump has the potential to win people over during the campaign. Clintons only hope is to make people hate Trump more then they hate her. As Trump has shown, he maybe the only candidate enough of a bare-knuckle political brawler to take on Clinton "scorched earth" political campaign


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Re: 'tween Rock 'n Hard place
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2016, 05:50:43 pm »
Trump:  He is pulling from disenchanted Dems, Independents and the less conservative Repubs.

Rubio:  He pulls from the center of the Repubs who are solid establishment and a few Independents.

Cruz:  Pulls deep into the Repubs who are staunch conservatives, the Tea Party Block and some Independents.


Neither Rubio, Cruz, or Trump can win this election with 'Conservative' votes alone.

Both Rubio and Cruz have precious little support from Independents, Libertarians, or Democrats - next to none.

Trump is the only GOP candidate with enough swing vote support to win.

Trump, and only Trump can beat Hillary Clinton.

Online Fishrrman

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Re: 'tween Rock 'n Hard place
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2016, 01:16:05 am »
GAJohnnie wrote above:
"As Trump has shown, he maybe the only candidate enough of a bare-knuckle political brawler to take on Clinton "scorched earth" political campaign"

Kinda reminds me of this nifty 3 minute video someone sent to me today:
(aside, the folks who piece things like this together are getting very good at it!)