Author Topic: GOPe Announce Plans To Go “Full Mississippi” on Donald Trump To Destroy Him….  (Read 761 times)

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Offline Paladin

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It is really, really getting nasty out there.

"When little known Chris McDaniel beat entrenched republican senator Thad Cochran in the first Mississippi primary of 2014 it triggered a series of events that became known simply as “Mississippi ’14“.

The entrenched DC republican elite developed a plan to destroy McDaniel before the run-off primary.  They decided to call McDaniel a racist, pay for print and broadcast attack ads, request help from black Mississippi pastors, and pay Democrats, preachers and voters to vote in the run-off election.  Republicans in DC attacking a republican outsider.

Their Machiavellian plan worked.  In the run-off Chris McDaniel again beat Thad Cochran with republican voters, but the paid-to-vote Democrats lifted Cochran back onto the throne in the elite Republican Chamber.

Against the desperation of a South Carolina victory for Donald Trump, and now a Nevada victory for Donald Trump, the DC Republican team have re-enlisted the exact same players to roll out a similar nuclear attack approach against the ‘outsider republican’.

Appearing on Bloomberg News the former Mississippi architect, Stuart Stevens, and Mississippi financier/bag-man, Henry Barbour, who carried out the Mississippi Strategy – openly admit their intent to use the same level of vitriol to remove Donald Trump.

See the Video Here [linked] (at 23:10) as Stuart Stevens and Henry Barbour are assembled again to discuss the process of “taking down Trump”.  Stevens fully admits to the Mississippi 2014 strategy and how it will work in 2016 against Donald Trump.

So how do they do it?  Simple, it’s war – a thermonuclear political war.  There are no boundaries, there are no rules, there is nothing too far, there is nothing held back.

They run attack ads, they’ll shout names and make up malicious smears; they’ll follow the candidate around to make noise at rallies; they lie about anything and everything; they’ll pay anyone and everyone to assist, and they don’t care if the high-information voter knows what they are doing; it’s all part of the overall scorched earth plan.

They’ll pay people to do and say anything, ANYTHING.  Winning is all that counts.  Destroying the opponent is all that matters. Every means justifies that end. Period.

Members of the anti-Trump cabal: Now that Mr Trump has sewn up the nomination, I want you to know I feel your pain.

Offline Paladin

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Second story, same tune. National Review continues its anti-Trump jihad.

"It’s Time for an Anti-Trump Manhattan Project"

Members of the anti-Trump cabal: Now that Mr Trump has sewn up the nomination, I want you to know I feel your pain.


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What is riding on this election is no less than the survival of our Republic.