Author Topic: Marco Rubio, I speak Spanish. You lied about your Univision interviews  (Read 3231 times)

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It really pains me to have to call out my hometown senator.

I am often asked why, despite having so many personal reasons to support Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) (and to the great displeasure of some of my fellow Florida Republican Party leaders), I do not want him to obtain my Party’s nomination.

The answer is quite simple. Rubio says one thing as a candidate, as he did when I voted for him in 2010 when he ran as a conservative for Senate, and does another thing once elected, as he did when he co-sponsored the amnesty bill in 2013.

Rubio’s rise into national politics is based on one big fat lie that propelled him to the U.S. Senate, and it is incumbent among the Floridians who were betrayed by him to now stand up and tell the rest of America the truth.

Border double talk

My fellow Miamian wants to have it both ways – he wants to do the rounds on Spanish media pandering to their viewers and then go in front of the American people, in English, as he did on the debate stage in South Carolina this past weekend and pretend to hold a conservative position on immigration.

As a fellow Hispanic-American that has viewed many of Rubio’s Spanish language interviews on Univision and other networks, I thought it would be useful to the public debate on immigration that I help set the record straight by translating some revealing statements Rubio has made for Republican primary voters who may not understand Spanish. Here are a few examples:

    In April of 2015, Rubio went on Univision’s “Al Punto” to promote his candidacy for President. Around the two minute mark of the interview, he said he would not immediately rescind President Obama’s illegal executive order of 2012 because it was important and helping a lot of people. He said, “I wouldn’t undo it [DACA] immediately as it is already benefiting a lot of people.” He went on to say that eventually it will end once immigration reform is passed, a sharp contrast to Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) who has made clear he would rescind Obama’s executive actions on Day One.

    In June of 2013, Rubio was also on Univision’s “Al Punto” just before the vote of his Gang of Eight amnesty bill. Around the three and a half minute mark of the interview, Rubio said, “First comes legalization of those here illegally, then comes border security.” He went on to say that legalization is not conditional. Then, in a grossly incorrect representation of Republican voters’ position, Rubio told the Spanish media, “The vast majority of Republicans in Congress and throughout the country support a pathway to citizenship.”

    Rubio is not denying his support of a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, as he made clear in the December 15th Republican debate. However, Rubio misleads us in claiming his plan is even remotely close to some of his opponents in the Republican primary, especially Senator Ted Cruz’s, who in 2013 led the fight against the Gang of Eight amnesty bill.

In other interviews Rubio held with Univision’s Jorge Ramos, including one just before his Gang of Eight amnesty bill was due for a vote, he suggested that not allowing citizenship to illegal immigrants who are here today is somehow immoral because it “would create two tiers of residents in this country.” He goes on to say that he will lobby his “conservative colleagues in Congress hard” to get the amnesty bill passed.

Marco Rubio’s back-and-forth, misleading statements in the last debate regarding his comments to the Spanish press is unacceptable for someone aspiring to become President of the United States.

The American media and people should hold him accountable. Elections are tough. At the very least, Americans like the good people of South Carolina should know who they are voting for.

Manny Roman is Vice-Chairman of the Republican Party of Miami-Dade and Adjunct Professor of International Business at Florida International University (FIU). FIU is the largest Hispanic-serving university in the nation and the largest producer of Hispanic graduates in the country. Manny’s opinions are his own and not on behalf of any organization.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2016, 04:30:57 am by HAPPY2BME »

Offline Luis Gonzalez

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Re: Marco Rubio, I speak Spanish. You lied about your Univision interviews
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2016, 05:21:16 am »
Yeah, well I speak Spanish as well.

Here's the text of the pertinent portion of the interview:

SMR: Bueno, DACA va a tener que terminar en algún momento determinado.Yo no lo desharía inmediatamente. La razón es porque ya hay personas que tienen ese
 permiso, que están trabajando, que están estudiando, y no creo que sería justo cancelarlode un momento al otro. Pero sí creo que va a tener que terminar. Y si Dios quiere va aterminar porque va a pasar una reforma migratoria. DAPA todavía no está en vigor, y pienso que ha impedido el progreso en lo que es la inmigración, en la reforma migratoria.Y como ese programa no está en vigor y ese sí lo cancelaría. Pero DACA, yo creo que esimportante, no se puede cancelar de un momento al otro porque ya hay personas queestán beneficiando. Pero sí va a tener que terminar. No puede ser la política permanentede Estados Unidos. Y no creo que eso sea lo que están pidiendo tampoco. Yo creo quetodos prefieren una reforma migratoria.

Senator Marco Rubio: Well, DACA will have to end at some predetermined point. I wouldn't do it immediately. The reason being that there are already persons that already have that permit, that are working, that are studying, and I don't believe that it would be just to cancel it from one moment to the next. But I do believe that it has to end. God willing it will end because immigration reform will pass. DAPA is still not in effect, and I think it has impeded the progress in what is immigration, in immigration reform. And since that program is not in effect yet that one I would cancel. But DACA, and I believe this is important, cannot be cancelled from one moment to the next because there are persons benefiting from it already. But it will have to end. I cannot be the permanent policy of the United States. And I don't believe that's what they (the people) are asking for either. I think all prefer immigration reform.

To understand what Rubio is saying, there are people with legal status granted by the DACAS already in the US. Those people benefited from Obama's EO. Right or wrong, they trusted the integrity of the office of the POTUS and adhered to his program. They should not now be punished because of a change in who is the POTUS. It's unjust to make them pay for Obama's actions, and it lessens the office itself when people are made to pay for the changing tides in ideology in the White House.
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Offline Luis Gonzalez

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Re: Marco Rubio, I speak Spanish. You lied about your Univision interviews
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2016, 05:47:48 am »
Here's the link to the El Punto interview.

Your "translations" are inaccurate.

In fact, somewhere around the 1:20 mark, the reporter mentions that Rubio had threatened to vote against his own bill unless the Senate adopted some amendments that strengthened border security even more , then she asked him whether it was true that he would throw everything he'd worked for out the window if the border was not better secured.

Rubio said that he was 100% committed to immigration reform, and that he would continue to work on it, but that his point was that if the border couldn't be secured, and if he couldn't win the trust of his colleagues (that demanded border security first) all this would just be a waste of time.

He said that he believed that they (Congress)m could arrive at some reasonable legislation that secure d the borders, and prevented a future wave of illegal immigration,  he would have sufficient votes to realize immigration reform.

The reporter then lists all the border security already in place, and asks what Rubio means by more border security.

He agreed that there are sectors in the border that are quite secured, but there are many that are not.and that the legislation should specify exactly where and how much monies were to be spent in order to avoid the failures, wasteful spending and fraud of earlier bills.

He then made the mention that legalization had to happen in conjunction with border security.

(This was also the Cruz approach as detailed in the Cruz Amendment)

Legalization being awarding LPR status to illegal already in the nation.

When he said that a majority of Republicans favored a path to citizenship, he wasn't wrong. The largest group of Republican opinion on the subject falls on the path to citizenship solution.

Marco Rubio was trying to find a solution to the problem of illegal immigration which addressed BOTH border security and the millions here illegally.

But there are many, may politicians who are NOT interested in finding a solution to illegal immigration, because the problem of illegal immigration is a great stump speech and a solid way to gain support.

They're not interested in solving any problem that helps them get elected. 

Saying no is easier than finding a solution.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2016, 05:49:40 am by Luis Gonzalez »
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx


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Re: Marco Rubio, I speak Spanish. You lied about your Univision interviews
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2016, 06:28:08 am »
Yeah, well I speak Spanish as well.


Are you also holding a position of leadership in the Republican Party?  An office?  Anything?

The man calling Rubio out is Vice-Chairman of the Republican Party of Dade County, one of the largest in the country, and also one of the largest Hispanic populations in the country.

How do you compare?

Do you have any authority?  Where does it come from?  Does anyone in any position with any authority in the Republican Party call upon you in determining the course of the Republican Party, or any COUNTY, state, or national strategy positions the Republican Party should take?

Who are they?

We are all ears.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2016, 06:30:09 am by HAPPY2BME »

Offline Frank Cannon

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Re: Marco Rubio, I speak Spanish. You lied about your Univision interviews
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2016, 06:40:02 am »
Yeah, well I speak Spanish as well.

Well I speak German and I along with a sizable portion of Americans saw Rubio team up with Leftist amnesty proponents to push this unpopular mess through. This was at a time when the GOP establishment were convinced they lost an election due to not pandering to a segment of the population and not because of lousy candidates. We all knew what Rubio was up to. Problem was he didn't realize how very unpopular amnesty was. He gambled and lost big. That is why he is currently a 4th place loser.

They should not now be punished because of a change in who is the POTUS. It's unjust to make them pay for Obama's actions, and it lessens the office itself when people are made to pay for the changing tides in ideology in the White House.

Absurd. Elections have consequences. People suffer from the changing whims of the ruling class on a routine basis. One minute a logger is working hard by following the rules placed on him by the govt' to harvest wood, the next he is in the unemployment line because an EO turned his workspace into a federal wildlife preserve. What makes the illegals so much more special that they should be spared this hardship over born and bred Americans?


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Re: Marco Rubio, I speak Spanish. You lied about your Univision interviews
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2016, 06:53:20 am »
What makes the illegals so much more special that they should be spared this hardship over born and bred Americans?


You may never get an (honest) answer to that question.

Offline Luis Gonzalez

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Re: Marco Rubio, I speak Spanish. You lied about your Univision interviews
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2016, 11:50:43 am »
Well I speak German and I along with a sizable portion of Americans saw Rubio team up with Leftist amnesty proponents to push this unpopular mess through. This was at a time when the GOP establishment were convinced they lost an election due to not pandering to a segment of the population and not because of lousy candidates. We all knew what Rubio was up to. Problem was he didn't realize how very unpopular amnesty was. He gambled and lost big. That is why he is currently a 4th place loser.

Absurd. Elections have consequences. People suffer from the changing whims of the ruling class on a routine basis. One minute a logger is working hard by following the rules placed on him by the govt' to harvest wood, the next he is in the unemployment line because an EO turned his workspace into a federal wildlife preserve. What makes the illegals so much more special that they should be spared this hardship over born and bred Americans?

... And the net-net of all the opposition to the people that were actually trying to find some kind of solution to a problem both sides of the debate agree is a problem, is that the problem continues (in fact has grown) and no solution is in sight.

The solution is not in sight because the problem itself is too valuable as a political stump speech subject. Politicians don't like to actually solve problems, they like to use them so they can get elected.

None should have to suffer any manner of a "hardship" created by politicians. The problem of millions of people in the country illegally is one created by politicians, and politicians benefit from the problem.

I think we should demand a realistic solution, not just say no to every solution.

People lose jobs every day, for many reasons, most of them. Not related to politics.

There are countries were jobs are secure and no one hardly ever gets laid off. They are called communist countries.

Freedom isn't free of dangers.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2016, 11:52:50 am by Luis Gonzalez »
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

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Re: Marco Rubio, I speak Spanish. You lied about your Univision interviews
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2016, 12:52:40 pm »
One more point.

Politicians get elected based on the reality of the problem of illegal immigration. We need to secure the borders and we need to resolve the issue of millions of people living inside our country illegally.

They get elected.

Other people (also elected) set themselves to the task of resolving the issue of illegal immigration, and craft policy that A) increases border security FIRST, then B) proceeds to deal, in an organized and systematic way, with the millions of people living inside our country illegally.

At that point, those politicians who got elected based on their stance against an unsecured border and the presence of millions of people living living inside our country illegally, take a stand against that proposed policy, offer nothing in the way of an alternative, leads the opposition to the policy and manages to defeat those who were trying to find a solution to the problems.

So in essence, those politicians who got elected because there is a problem with our borders and illegal immigrants inside those borders, successfully keep the problem alive and unresolved by stopping policies that would address both problems from being enacted, take victory laps, and run again on the issue of the problem of unsecured borders and millions of illegals inside those borders to get elected again.

"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx


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Re: Marco Rubio, I speak Spanish. You lied about your Univision interviews
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2016, 01:39:47 pm »
One more point.


Are these your personal observations, or are you speaking as an authorized spokesman for the Republican Party?

Offline Frank Cannon

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Re: Marco Rubio, I speak Spanish. You lied about your Univision interviews
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2016, 01:49:45 pm »

I think we should demand a realistic solution, not just say no to every solution.

We tried your solution in 1986. It was called Simpson Mazzoli. It failed catastrophically.

We tried my solution in 1956. Operation Wet Back. It was a marvelous success.

I wonder who really is demanding unrealistic solutions?

Offline Luis Gonzalez

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Re: Marco Rubio, I speak Spanish. You lied about your Univision interviews
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2016, 03:32:21 pm »
We tried your solution in 1986. It was called Simpson Mazzoli. It failed catastrophically.

We tried my solution in 1956. Operation Wet Back. It was a marvelous success.

I wonder who really is demanding unrealistic solutions?

The Reagan amnesty failed to set in place border security as a condition that must be set in place before any manner of manner of legalization can even be considered.

So the Gang of Eight Bill was different than the Reagan amnesty.

The net-net is that everything is still the same as it was before the Gamg of Eight bill was shot down and nothing has been done to resolve anything.

"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

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Re: Marco Rubio, I speak Spanish. You lied about your Univision interviews
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2016, 03:33:49 pm »

Are these your personal observations, or are you speaking as an authorized spokesman for the Republican Party?

I speak with the same authority that you have.
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx


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Re: Marco Rubio, I speak Spanish. You lied about your Univision interviews
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2016, 05:38:38 pm »
Rubio’s Pro-Amnesty Spanish Message

Offline Frank Cannon

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Re: Marco Rubio, I speak Spanish. You lied about your Univision interviews
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2016, 09:15:00 pm »
The Reagan amnesty failed to set in place border security as a condition that must be set in place before any manner of manner of legalization can even be considered.

So the Gang of Eight Bill was different than the Reagan amnesty.

The net-net is that everything is still the same as it was before the Gamg of Eight bill was shot down and nothing has been done to resolve anything.

It isn't the same. ICE has been told to stand down to get as many illegals in here just in case we finally shut the door. The cheap labor pimps like Rubio are ecstatic.

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Re: Marco Rubio, I speak Spanish. You lied about your Univision interviews
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2016, 09:35:44 pm »
It isn't the same. ICE has been told to stand down to get as many illegals in here just in case we finally shut the door. The cheap labor pimps like Rubio are ecstatic.

Rubio pushed for better border security where the monies were distributed in a very specific manner. He pushed for better employer verification and for legalization

So in essence, he pushed for a tighter more secure border, making it more difficult for employers to hire illegals, and for illegals to become legal permanent residents and by doing so become part of the general labor pool in the nation, being paid the same wages others get paid.

Those who STOPPED the Gang of Eight bill from becoming law, left the borders pourous and left in place the ability of employers to hire illegals at lower wages.

So, it was Cruz and his contingent who were the cheap labor pimps.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2016, 09:36:32 pm by Luis Gonzalez »
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

Offline Frank Cannon

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Re: Marco Rubio, I speak Spanish. You lied about your Univision interviews
« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2016, 09:55:16 pm »

Those who STOPPED the Gang of Eight bill from becoming law, left the borders pourous and left in place the ability of employers to hire illegals at lower wages.

So, it was Cruz and his contingent who were the cheap labor pimps.

Yup. It was Cruz and Jeff Sessions alright. We all know that Schumer had bricks and mortar in his hands ready to build that wall as soon as that bill passed and would never think of kicking the enforcement portions of it down the road like Simpson Mazzoli.

You are a genuinely gifted thinker and it is an absolute privileged to read your insightful posts.

BTW, could you lean over and say hi to Marco for me. You can also tell him that being a 4th place loser isn't all that bad. At least he isn't in last place...yet.

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Re: Marco Rubio, I speak Spanish. You lied about your Univision interviews
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2016, 10:07:44 pm »
Yup. It was Cruz and Jeff Sessions alright. We all know that Schumer had bricks and mortar in his hands ready to build that wall as soon as that bill passed and would never think of kicking the enforcement portions of it down the road like Simpson Mazzoli.

You are a genuinely gifted thinker and it is an absolute privileged to read your insightful posts.

BTW, could you lean over and say hi to Marco for me. You can also tell him that being a 4th place loser isn't all that bad. At least he isn't in last place...yet.

I don't know Marco Rubio.

I do know that there was a bill making its way through Congress that had higher border security, better employer control and offered a legal status to illegals so that they could enter the workforce and be protected by wage laws that was shot down by Cruz and Sessions, leaving the border that they complain so much about in exactly the same shape that they've been complaining about, employers free to hire illegals at will and the ability to pay them crap wages when they do.

They managed to keep everything exactly the same so that they could run again on the same issue.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2016, 10:08:40 pm by Luis Gonzalez »
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx


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Re: Marco Rubio, I speak Spanish. You lied about your Univision interviews
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2016, 10:08:40 pm »
Yup. It was Cruz and Jeff Sessions alright. We all know that Schumer had bricks and mortar in his hands ready to build that wall as soon as that bill passed and would never think of kicking the enforcement portions of it down the road like Simpson Mazzoli.

You are a genuinely gifted thinker and it is an absolute privileged to read your insightful posts.

BTW, could you lean over and say hi to Marco for me. You can also tell him that being a 4th place loser isn't all that bad. At least he isn't in last place...yet.


Your wit is classic conservative.  Congratulations.  (I mean it)

Offline Luis Gonzalez

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Re: Marco Rubio, I speak Spanish. You lied about your Univision interviews
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2016, 10:10:03 pm »

Your wit is classic conservative.  Congratulations.  (I mean it)

What's evident is that you can't respond to anything, so you're trying to resort to sarcasm.
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx


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Re: Marco Rubio, I speak Spanish. You lied about your Univision interviews
« Reply #19 on: February 19, 2016, 11:34:54 pm »
This is a robocall against Marco Rubio..  I guess we should all start posting the robocalls, ads etc from the opposition campaigns. HAPPY2BE??? is loaded with these.

Well.. there are all the white supremicist robocalls for Trump.