Author Topic: Nancy Pelosi invokes ‘the prophet Muhammad’ at National Prayer Breakfast  (Read 775 times)

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Obama Compares Chicagoans To Nazis In Prayer Breakfast Remarks

Posted By Kerry Picket On 6:21 PM 02/04/2016 In | No Comments

President Barack Obama relayed two stories during the National Prayer Breakfast which compared Chicago residents to Nazis.

The president spoke about a story he learned of at a ceremony at the Israeli Embassy where he gave remarks honoring individuals who rescued Jews during the Holocaust.

The president later compared that story to a Chicago Muslim father and his children praying one day after the San Bernardino shooting:

    A week ago, I spoke at a ceremony held at the Israeli Embassy for the first time, honoring the courage of people who saved Jews during the Holocaust. And one of the recipients was the grandson — or the son of an American soldier who had been captured by the Nazis. So a group of American soldiers are captured, and their captors ordered Jewish POWs to identify themselves. And one sergeant, a Christian named Roddie Edmonds, from Tennessee, ordered all American troops to report alongside them. They lined up in formation, approximately 200 of them, and the Nazi colonel said, “I asked only for the Jewish POWs,” and said, “These can’t all be Jewish.” And Master Sergeant Edmonds stood there and said, “We are all Jews.” And the colonel took out his pistol and held it to the Master Sergeant’s head and said, “Tell me who the Jews are.” And he repeated, “We are all Jews.” And faced with the choice of shooting all those soldiers, the Nazis relented. And so, through his moral clarity, through an act of faith, Sergeant Edmonds saved the lives of his Jewish brothers-in-arms. (Applause.)

    A second story. Just yesterday, some of you may be aware I visited a mosque in Baltimore to let our Muslim-American brothers and sisters know that they, too, are Americans and welcome here. (Applause.) And there I met a Muslim-American named Rami Nashashibi, who runs a nonprofit working for social change in Chicago. And he forms coalitions with churches and Latino groups and African Americans in this poor neighborhood in Chicago. And he told me how the day after the tragedy in San Bernardino happened, he took his three young children to a playground in the Marquette Park neighborhood, and while they were out, the time came for one of the five daily prayers that are essential to the Muslim tradition. And on any other day, he told me, he would have immediately put his rug out on the grass right there and prayed.

    But that day, he paused. He feared any unwelcome attention he might attract to himself and his children. And his seven year-old daughter asked him, “What are you doing, Dad? Isn’t it time to pray?” And he thought of all the times he had told her the story of the day that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rabbi Robert Marx, and 700 other people marched to that very same park, enduring hatred and bigotry, dodging rocks and bottles, and hateful words, in order to challenge Chicago housing segregation, and to ask America to live up to our highest ideals.

    And so, at that moment, drawing from the courage of men of different religions, of a different time, Rami refused to teach his children to be afraid. Instead, he taught them to be a part of that legacy of faith and good conscience. “I want them to understand that sometimes faith will be tested,” he told me, “and that we will be asked to show immense courage, like others have before us, to make our city, our country, and our world a better reflection of all our ideals.” And he put down his rug and he prayed. (Applause.)

    Now, those two stories, they give me courage and they give me hope. And they instruct me in my own Christian faith. I can’t imagine a moment in which that young American sergeant expressed his Christianity more profoundly than when, confronted by his own death, he said “We are all Jews.” (Applause.) I can’t imagine a clearer expression of Jesus’s teachings. I can’t imagine a better expression of the peaceful spirit of Islam than when a Muslim father, filled with fear, drew from the example of a Baptist preacher and a Jewish rabbi to teach his children what God demands. (Applause.)

This was the president’s final appearance at the National Prayer Breakfast.

He told attendees about his visit Wednesday to an Islamic Community center in Baltimore, his first visit to a mosque as president.

“They too are Americans and welcomed here,” Obama said. He later added, “And of course, recently we’ve heard inexcusable political rhetoric against Muslim Americans that has no place in our country.”

“No surprise, then that threats and harassment of Muslim Americans have surged,” Obama said.

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Nancy Pelosi invokes ‘the prophet Muhammad’ at National Prayer Breakfast
February 4, 2016 | BPR Wire |

DC-NEWS 300X71By Casey Harper

Congressmen, President Barack Obama and faith leaders from around the country met for the annual prayer breakfast in Washington, D.C. Thursday. At the breakfast, House Minority Leader Democrat Nancy Pelosi took the opportunity to invoke “the prophet Muhammad.”

Before reading from the Gospel of John, Pelosi talked about the similarity of Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

“In the Gospel of John we see the golden rule that stands at the heart of the gospel, and as we hear these words from John 13, 15, and 17, we know that this message, this command of love is not confined to the New Testament,” Pelosi said. “The same message stands at the center of the Torah and the teachings of the prophet Muhammad too. In the Torah it says, ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ and from Muhammad, ‘none of you has faith until he loves for his neighbor or brother what he loves for himself.’”

Mark Burnett and Roma Downey, creators of the movie “Son of God” and the television show “The Bible,” both shared the podium at the breakfast. Immigrants from Ireland and England, the Downeys told their story of living the American dream.

“The American Dream represented freedom and opportunity,” Roma said.

“We both came seeking that same American Dream,” Mark added.

Mark began as a nanny and Roma as a coat checker for a restaurant. Soon, Roma was an actress in the popular show “Touched By An Angel” and Mark was behind popular reality shows like “Shark Tank” and “The Voice.” The couple pointed to their rise to media stars as something that could only happen in America.

“I’ve notice a growing impatience with prayer in our culture these days,” Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan said at the breakfast. “[Jesus] walked among the poor and the lowly in this world so that he could raise up to new heights in the next.”

Virginia Democrat Sen. Tim Kaine and Republican Arkansas Sen. John Boozman will be tasked with planning next year’s breakfast. Kane read from the book of Galatians 6:9. “Let us not grow weary of doing good for in due season we will reap if we do not give up.”

Obama also spoke, a day after his visit to a Baltimore Islamic Center to speak on religious tolerance, where he told Muslims “We are one American family.”

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Offline Carling

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The "prophet" who raped a 9 year-old? 

Trump has created a cult and looks more and more like Hitler every day.

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She is an insult to Allah. How could she say this without wearing her burka. And where is her husband? She should not be allowed out alone.
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.

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It's difficult not to expect, or at least hope for, the lightning strike to hit Obama and this nasty woman.
Support Israel's emergency medical service.

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There is a pathological need for today's progressive to demonstrate awareness, sensitivity, and intellect which transcends evidence, science, and logic.  Never mind that any decision based on those needs imperil and will ultimately destroy or ruin us.  This is a but one example but there are so many others.  Any of us here can cite examples regarding race, crime, 2nd Amendment, social programs, laws and legislation, environment, taxation, armed forces, gender and sexuality, marriage, etc, etc.  The list is endless and there is constant, incessant, and relentless pressure on each one - all day, every day.  Add to that enabling institutions such as universities and the media and we are, it surely seems, doomed.

And I am, by nature, optimistic.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2016, 06:48:41 pm by Lando Lincoln »
There are some among us who live in rooms of experience we can never enter.
John Steinbeck

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Obama Compares Chicagoans To Nazis In Prayer Breakfast Remarks

Posted By Kerry Picket On 6:21 PM 02/04/2016 In | No Comments

President Barack Obama relayed two stories during the National Prayer Breakfast which compared Chicago residents to Nazis.

The president spoke about a story he learned of at a ceremony at the Israeli Embassy where he gave remarks honoring individuals who rescued Jews during the Holocaust.

The president later compared that story to a Chicago Muslim father and his children praying one day after the San Bernardino shooting:

    A week ago, I spoke at a ceremony held at the Israeli Embassy for the first time, honoring the courage of people who saved Jews during the Holocaust. And one of the recipients was the grandson — or the son of an American soldier who had been captured by the Nazis. So a group of American soldiers are captured, and their captors ordered Jewish POWs to identify themselves. And one sergeant, a Christian named Roddie Edmonds, from Tennessee, ordered all American troops to report alongside them. They lined up in formation, approximately 200 of them, and the Nazi colonel said, “I asked only for the Jewish POWs,” and said, “These can’t all be Jewish.” And Master Sergeant Edmonds stood there and said, “We are all Jews.” And the colonel took out his pistol and held it to the Master Sergeant’s head and said, “Tell me who the Jews are.” And he repeated, “We are all Jews.” And faced with the choice of shooting all those soldiers, the Nazis relented. And so, through his moral clarity, through an act of faith, Sergeant Edmonds saved the lives of his Jewish brothers-in-arms. (Applause.)

    A second story. Just yesterday, some of you may be aware I visited a mosque in Baltimore to let our Muslim-American brothers and sisters know that they, too, are Americans and welcome here. (Applause.) And there I met a Muslim-American named Rami Nashashibi, who runs a nonprofit working for social change in Chicago. And he forms coalitions with churches and Latino groups and African Americans in this poor neighborhood in Chicago. And he told me how the day after the tragedy in San Bernardino happened, he took his three young children to a playground in the Marquette Park neighborhood, and while they were out, the time came for one of the five daily prayers that are essential to the Muslim tradition. And on any other day, he told me, he would have immediately put his rug out on the grass right there and prayed.

    But that day, he paused. He feared any unwelcome attention he might attract to himself and his children. And his seven year-old daughter asked him, “What are you doing, Dad? Isn’t it time to pray?” And he thought of all the times he had told her the story of the day that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rabbi Robert Marx, and 700 other people marched to that very same park, enduring hatred and bigotry, dodging rocks and bottles, and hateful words, in order to challenge Chicago housing segregation, and to ask America to live up to our highest ideals.

    And so, at that moment, drawing from the courage of men of different religions, of a different time, Rami refused to teach his children to be afraid. Instead, he taught them to be a part of that legacy of faith and good conscience. “I want them to understand that sometimes faith will be tested,” he told me, “and that we will be asked to show immense courage, like others have before us, to make our city, our country, and our world a better reflection of all our ideals.” And he put down his rug and he prayed. (Applause.)

    Now, those two stories, they give me courage and they give me hope. And they instruct me in my own Christian faith. I can’t imagine a moment in which that young American sergeant expressed his Christianity more profoundly than when, confronted by his own death, he said “We are all Jews.” (Applause.) I can’t imagine a clearer expression of Jesus’s teachings. I can’t imagine a better expression of the peaceful spirit of Islam than when a Muslim father, filled with fear, drew from the example of a Baptist preacher and a Jewish rabbi to teach his children what God demands. (Applause.)

This was the president’s final appearance at the National Prayer Breakfast.

He told attendees about his visit Wednesday to an Islamic Community center in Baltimore, his first visit to a mosque as president.

“They too are Americans and welcomed here,” Obama said. He later added, “And of course, recently we’ve heard inexcusable political rhetoric against Muslim Americans that has no place in our country.”

“No surprise, then that threats and harassment of Muslim Americans have surged,” Obama said.

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were it not for Chicagoans Barry would never have had a job.....

Have Indentified as a Male since birth!

Offline flowers

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Gee Nancy will they even let there be a congress anymore if sharia takes over?


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She is an insult to Allah. How could she say this without wearing her burka. And where is her husband? She should not be allowed out alone.

At least she does follow islam in one area.  She hasn't driven a car in 20 years, even though she and Bile were "destitute" when they left the WH.  Of course that may be due to the fact she is in a limo all the time - even when "destitute." :odrama: