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Journalist reveals how leftists captured Americans' minds
« on: October 16, 2015, 11:11:05 am »
Journalist reveals how leftists captured Americans' minds
Kupelian uncovers hidden methods behind 'fundamental transformation'
Published: 10 hours ago

By Paul Bremmer

Award-winning journalist David Kupelian starts by urging people to consider the current American landscape: Waves of immigrants pouring into across the southern border while the government plans to import thousands of Syrian Muslim refugees. Racial tensions and crime skyrocketing. Radical wealth redistribution. An unworkable healthcare system. Big Brother spying. All proof that Barack Obama’s promised “fundamental transformation” of America is well underway.

But then he paints another picture: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 130 million Americans depend on some sort of mind-altering substance to get through life. Some 110 million Americans have sexually transmitted diseases. Families are disintegrating. One in four middle-aged women is taking antidepressants. We’ve become a nation of addicts, he says.

While the first group of problems are nationwide maladies, and the latter are individual troubles, Kupelian contends there’s an unrecognized cause-and-effect connection between the two.

“What I’m doing in the book, in ‘The Snapping of the American Mind,’” said Kupelian on the mega-nighttime radio show Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, “is I am attempting to connect the dots between this large picture and this small, individual picture.” The book, which debuted Tuesday, immediately skyrocketed  up the Amazon bestseller charts.

“The Snapping of the American Mind: Healing a Nation Broken by a Lawless Government and Godless Culture” – autographed by the author – is available now from the WND Superstore!

Many Americans understand Obama is fundamentally transforming the country on a macro level, says Kupelian, but what they need to understand is that requires a change in the mind of millions of Americans. It requires breaking down the virtue, values and national memory of traditional, Judeo-Christian America.

“What I show, like a prosecutor,” he told Noory’s audience of three to five million loyal listeners, “is that today’s far-left Democrat Party, the progressive left that promised to fundamentally transform America, is actually causing a great deal of this angst and depression and misery and wretchedness that we see on the individual level,” Kupelian said.

Note: Readers can listen to the entire two-hour interview between George Noory and David Kupelian by becoming a “Coast Insider” at the Coast to Coast AM website.

For example, the author criticizes the psychiatric profession for being too quick to solve every problem with drugs.

snapping-of-the-american-mind-cover“Everything is dealt with by drugging people,” Kupelian said. “You can’t just take terrible psychological, spiritual problems, people having visions, seeing things, horrible rage where they want to kill people – you can’t just mask those symptoms with drugs and then be surprised when they end up as a school shooter or some other terrible effect comes of this. We’re very foolish in thinking we’re going to deal in such a superficial way with these problems and not have repercussions.”

Even more controversially, says Kupelian, not only are psychiatrists pushing too many drugs, but the government under Obama is actually brainwashing Americans.

The forbidding subject of brainwashing “is not so arcane as we think,” Kupelian told Noory’s audience. Referring to the analysis by renowned experts on wartime brainwashing, Kupelian explained that those same  principles of pressure and intimidation were being used, albeit in “a very attenuated, stretched out, and mild way,” by various players in and out of government today.

One simple example from within government? The income tax, which Kupelian suggested is not really about raising revenue, but about keeping the public afraid.

“People are afraid of the government,” he noted. “Why? Because they’re afraid of the IRS … It’s not about money. It’s about maintaining a constant base level of fear and anxiety in the public.”

Even hatred – which doesn’t necessarily feel like fear – of the IRS works, according to Kupelian, because hatred is a weakness, not a strength. He noted many conservatives despise Obama’s IRS for targeting tea party and other right-leaning groups for extra scrutiny, but he believes all that hatred actually benefits the agency.

“That anger morphs into… fear and anxiety, which becomes compliance at tax time,” he said. “So I’m saying they’re not worried about people fearing them and hating them. They want that; that’s how they operate.”

Some Americans are able to resist the brainwashing and fundamental transformation at the individual level, but Kupelian says the Obama administration tends to try to cast such people as dangerous security threats.

“During the Obama administration, we had a situation where the Department of Homeland Security in 2009 was declaring that pro-lifers and constitutionalists and people that had a problem with illegal immigration and even returning war veterans were classified as ‘potential right-wing extremists’ and possible domestic terrorists.”

Although the DHS eventually rescinded that classification after widespread public outcry, it strikes an ominous tone for anyone who may be thinking about criticizing the administration. Indeed, just this week, the Obama administration has launched a whole new campaign to target “right-wing extremists.”

“If they can call a normal person with traditional Judeo-Christian, World War II, traditional American values a potential terrorist, what is to keep them from saying, ‘Because you are critical of the government, you’re anti-government, that sounds dangerously like a dissident.’”

Not only are conservatives treated as potentially dangerous, but some like to imply those on the right are mentally ill. Kupelian pointed out that left-wing social scientists have published numerous “studies” purporting to show that conservatives have malformed brains (an “enlarged amygdala,” the part of the brain that registers fear). He said it’s not in the mainstream of psychiatry, but still represents one tactic leftists use to de-legitimize their opponents. He noted that the Soviet communists relied heavily on institutionalizing critics and declaring them mentally ill.

“There is a history on the far left of pathologizing dissent,” Kupelian said. “That is a historical fact, and we just have to keep a clear eye on that, that we don’t move more in that direction.”


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Re: Journalist reveals how leftists captured Americans' minds
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2015, 12:29:07 am »
For example, the author criticizes the psychiatric profession for being too quick to solve every problem with drugs.

snapping-of-the-american-mind-cover“Everything is dealt with by drugging people,” Kupelian said. “You can’t just take terrible psychological, spiritual problems, people having visions, seeing things, horrible rage where they want to kill people – you can’t just mask those symptoms with drugs and then be surprised when they end up as a school shooter or some other terrible effect comes of this. We’re very foolish in thinking we’re going to deal in such a superficial way with these problems and not have repercussions.”

I agree and have been saying this for some time. 

Interesting article.

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Re: Journalist reveals how leftists captured Americans' minds
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2015, 12:55:48 am »
The overwhelming majority of people who take anti-depressants are helped immensely by them.  50 years ago, these people would be in state-run mental hospitals.  Now, thanks to Zoloft and Lexapro and others, they live normal lives, function normally.  Depression is CHEMICAL, not psychological, and the drugs help restore the seratonin levels depleted by depression. 

This goofball lost all credibility with me with his casual, breezy dismissal of people who take drugs to deal with emotional and physical issues. The number of those who go off the deep end and kill is miniscule compared to those who can live normal lives with the aid of anti-depressants, pain medication and sleep aids.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

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Re: Journalist reveals how leftists captured Americans' minds
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2015, 01:40:25 am »
The overwhelming majority of people who take anti-depressants are helped immensely by them.  50 years ago, these people would be in state-run mental hospitals.  Now, thanks to Zoloft and Lexapro and others, they live normal lives, function normally.  Depression is CHEMICAL, not psychological, and the drugs help restore the seratonin levels depleted by depression. 

This goofball lost all credibility with me with his casual, breezy dismissal of people who take drugs to deal with emotional and physical issues. The number of those who go off the deep end and kill is miniscule compared to those who can live normal lives with the aid of anti-depressants, pain medication and sleep aids.

There's no doubt there are people helped by taking these drugs, but a lot of people are depressed by environmental factors - many of these mass killers grew up in homes where the father is absent because of divorce, etc.  A lot of these people showed warning signs early in their childhood and it is very easy to just prescribe drugs to them without having to take the time to find out just what is causing their problems.

I've been prescribed these drugs before and they are great at first, but then it seems that you just die inside.  I remember my mother was taking some antidepressant and I thought she was doing fine, but after her mother died, she told me she stopped taking them because she couldn't cry at her mother's funeral and it upset her so much.  She said she felt dead and emotionless. 

I don't think this author is a kook at all.  I've had my own personal experience with these things and have seen my own parent's experiences and I can say that drugs are not always the answer - in fact, probably not usually the answer. 

All depression is not chemical - there can be problems at home, financial problems, other health problems - so many things can cause a person to be legitimately depressed.  Drugs are not the answer in every case and I believe they are greatly overused. 

Don't tread on me.   8888madkitty

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Offline GourmetDan

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Re: Journalist reveals how leftists captured Americans' minds
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2015, 01:54:39 am »
“If they can call a normal person with traditional Judeo-Christian, World War II, traditional American values a potential terrorist, what is to keep them from saying, ‘Because you are critical of the government, you’re anti-government, that sounds dangerously like a dissident.’”

Nothing... nothing at all...

Wake up...

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." - Ecclesiastes 10:2

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