Author Topic: Praying Muslims rile Florida beach town  (Read 392 times)

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Praying Muslims rile Florida beach town
« on: October 09, 2015, 09:13:33 pm »
Praying Muslims rile Florida beach town
'I'm sorry but that type of behavior cannot happen here'
Published: 10 hours ago

A group of Muslim men praying on a Florida beach has set some officials on edge. (Credit: Facebook)

A group of Muslim men praying on a beach in broad daylight on Mashes Sands Beach in Wakulla County, Florida, has set the town on edge, with even a local sheriff candidate expressing worry those in clothing considered immodest by Shariah law standards could be in danger.

“I’m raising the question of whether or not a group of military aged Muslim men … are praying on our beach, well label me whatever you want,” said Wakulla County Sheriff candidate Will Dance, WTXL reported. “The reason I brought this up is because my daughters use that beach, my wife uses that beach and gentlemen, under Sharia Law, the cutoff shorts and T-shirts … that my family wears on that beach are considered offensive under Shariah and any Muslim man may carry out what he feels is fit punishment. And I’m sorry but that type of behavior cannot happen here.”

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The scene of the praying Muslim men came to light when Wakulla County Commission Chairman Ralph Thomas walked by and snapped a picture, then posted it to his Facebook page with the text: “Walked up on this at Mashes Sands this evening! First time seeing this in Wakulla County.”

Raw Story reported the photo has generated a lot of feedback, including death threats.

Imam Amro told WTKL, however, there was nothing to worry about.

“A sick brain,” he said, referring to those who would criticize and fear the prayer. “Then you will find it in Islam and in Christianity, in any religion there is a sick brain but this is something else.”

“House of War: Islam’s Jihad Against the World” conveys what the West needs to know about Islam and the violent, expansionary ideology that seeks the subjugation and destruction of other faiths, cultures and systems of government

But social media writers weren’t so quick to dismiss the perceived dangers.

“Don’t worry, they said,” wrote one. “It won’t happen here they said. Good awareness, I say. Thanks Ralph.”

Ann Coulter’s back, and she’s never been better than in “Adios, America!: The Left’s Plan to Turn our Country into a Third World Hellhole.”

And another: “This is a prophesy in the bible that nations will go into a Religious War, but us Believers in Christ, do not fear, for we know the final outcome, Victory in God The Father, God the Son, God The Holy Ghost! And we shall all meet in Heaven!”