Author Topic: Nancy Pelosi, Expert Catholic  (Read 296 times)

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Nancy Pelosi, Expert Catholic
« on: October 05, 2015, 02:11:33 pm »

Nancy Pelosi, Expert Catholic

By Emily Zanotti on 10.2.15 | 1:07PM

Yesterday, Nancy Pelosi held a press conference, where she touted her commitment to "women's health," and her participation in a movement to ensure Federal funding continued for Planned Parenthood.

Although she held the conference open for questions from the media, she clearly did not believe anyone would actually ask any, and was, apparently, quite taken by surprise when a journalist asked her whether a fetus with a beating heart and functioning liver, like the ones referred to in the Center for Medical Progress videos as being perfect to harvest for body parts, was human. Nancy Pelosi responded by, of course, accusing the reporter of having an "ideological agenda," and explaining that she knew more about the subject of abortion because she is a "devout, practicing Catholic."

    The reporter sparked the exchange by asking: “Is an unborn baby with a human heart and human liver a human being?”

    “Why don’t you take your ideological questions…I don’t know who you are, and you’re welcome to be here and freedom of this press,” Pelosi said. “I am a devout, practicing Catholic. A mother of five children. When my baby was born, my firth child, my oldest child, was six years old. I think I know more about this subject than you, with all due respect.”

    Pelosi then said she did “not intend” to answer the question. It wasn’t immediately clear which news outlet the reporter was representing.

Look, I may not be the mother to five kids, but I'm a devout, practicing Catholic and I have a hard time believing Nancy Pelosi knows much about the Church's position on unborn babies. A "devout, practicing Catholic" knows that opposition to abortion is a non-negotiable part of the Catholic faith, which believes that life begins at conception. As abortion is an intentional end to a human life, the Church's thoughts on the matter are pretty clear. To a "devout, practicing" Catholic, the answer to the reporters question is an unqualified, "yes."

It's not as if Pelosi is in the dark. Her thoughts on abortion rights are clear, and when she met Pope Emeritus Benedict not so long ago, he was clear that she should reject her support for abortion. He even refused to take a picture with her, choosing instead to hammer home that Catholic politicians have a responsibility to ensure the dignity of human life is respected, from conception through natural death. She thought she could get a better response out of Pope Francis, ahead of his visit, but it turns out, the Pope - even Pope Francis - is still preeeeeettty Catholic.

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Re: Nancy Pelosi, Expert Catholic
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2015, 07:27:09 pm »
She may claim to be Catholic but I doubt the church feels the same because she is not and I repeat not a Christian. This woman will have a lot to answer for on judgement day and I would not want to be her.