Author Topic: Bill Maher, Richard Dawkins: Liberals Giving Islam 'a Free Pass'  (Read 230 times)

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 Bill Maher, Richard Dawkins: Liberals Giving Islam 'a Free Pass'

By Sandy Fitzgerald   |   Saturday, 03 Oct 2015 03:21 PM

Talk show host Bill Maher and biologist Richard Dawkins teamed up on Maher's HBO show Friday night not only to discuss science and Dawkins' latest book, but to slam Islam and the "regressive leftists" who give the religion a "free pass."

“Liberal about everything else, but then this one exception, ‘It’s their culture.’ Well, to hell with their culture,” Dawkins told Maher on his "Real Time with Bill Maher" program, reports The Daily Beast.
“If we talk about them at all, or criticize them at all, it’s [as if we’re] somehow hurting or humiliating Muslims. It’s ridiculous,” Maher also commented.

Their conversation began when Maher mentioned college students who want to ban some speakers from coming to their campus. Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, another guest on the show, kept his comments to topics such as gun control and the discovery of water beneath the surface of Mars.

But Dawkins and Maher continued their comments on Islam, without mentioning Dawkins' accusation that 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed, the boy who became famous after his arrest for bringing a homemade clock to school, had committed a hoax.

"It’s confused with racism too,” Dawkins, an avowed atheist, told Maher. "An incredible number of people think Islam is a race. In the case of Islam, it just gets a free pass and I think it’s because of the terror of being thought racist.”

“Right, or worse, an Islamophobe — a silly word that means nothing,” Maher said, pointing out that he's been a liberal since he was a child and learned "we were on the side of the women’s movement and poor and minorities, whatever it was, gay people, disabled, the abused, the molested, whatever Caitlyn is up to, we were for it. And they applaud that."
And then he returned to criticizing Islam: "but if we say something about a woman who’s forced to wear a beekeeper suit in the hot summer all day…”

"That’s their culture, you have to respect it,” Dawkins interjected.

“That’s right! That’s what they say. It’s just insane," Maher told him.

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