Author Topic: Here’s What Donald Trump Said Right After The Oregon College Shooting  (Read 336 times)

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Here’s What Donald Trump Said Right After The Oregon College Shooting

"It sounds like another..."

Jack Davis October 2, 2015 at 11:21am

The Oregon college shooting was “a terrible tragedy,” Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Thursday.

“It sounds like another mental health problem. So many of these people, they’re coming out of the woodwork. We have to really get to the bottom of it,” Trump told The Washington Post. Ten people were killed and seven injured in the shooting, which took Place at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore.

“It’s happening more and more,” he added. “I just don’t remember — years back, I just don’t remember these things happening. Certainly not with this kind of frequency.”

The problem is vast, Trump said Friday.

“It is a terrible situation. It’s huge, mental illness,” he said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. “You’re going to have these things happen, and it’s a horrible thing to behold. Horrible.”


There are “very strong laws on the books,” Trump said, adding, “You’re always going to have problems.”

“People are going to slip through the cracks, and even if you did great mental health programs, people are going to slip through the cracks,” he said. “What are you going to do, institutionalize everybody?”

Trump said revelations about the shooter, identified as Chris Harper Mercer, are likely to fit a familiar pattern.

“Probably we’ll find out with him, like we did with numerous of the others, that gee whiz, they were loners and they were probably sick. You know, oftentimes this happens and the neighborhood says, you know, we sort of saw that about him, and it really looked like he could be a problem,” Trump said. “It’s awfully hard to put somebody in an institution for the rest of their lives based on the fact that he looks like he could be a problem.”

“So you are going to have difficulties — you’re going to have difficulties with many different things, not just this,” he said. “And that’s the way the world works, and by the way, that’s the way the world always has worked.”
« Last Edit: October 02, 2015, 07:45:24 pm by rangerrebew »