Author Topic: Disabled Veteran: ‘If You Push’ Iran ‘Deal Through, You Will Have the Blood of U.S. Service Members on Your Hands’  (Read 499 times)

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Disabled Veteran: ‘If You Push’ Iran ‘Deal Through, You Will Have the Blood of U.S. Service Members on Your Hands’

( -- At a press conference [1] in front of the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday, several speakers expressed opposition to the Obama administration’s nuclear deal with Iran, including Brian Mast, a former U.S. Army soldier who lost both of his legs in Afghanistan to Iranian-funded IEDs, who said, “Congress, Senate, President Obama, if you push this deal through, you will have the blood of US service members on your hands.”

The conference was sponsored by the Endowment for Middle East Truth [2] (EMET), a Washington, D.C.-based think tank that focuses on correcting misrepresentations in Middle East policy. The conference was co-sponsored by 11 other organizations.

In addition to Brian Mast, who has artificial legs now because of the IED injuries, former CIA Director R. James Woolsey was also strongly critical of the deal.

“The law as passed by the Congress, the Review Act [3] that was passed three months ago, deals with this situation” he said.

“It says very clearly that not only all terms of the agreement between Iran and the rest of the countries and the United States, not only do those have to be made available to the United States, they have to be made available within five days of the signing of the agreement,” he said. “That would have been July 14th, so they were due by July 19th, and they didn't come.”

“There is not an agreement because the statutory terms were not fulfilled” said Woolsey.

In response to a question from about what was hoped to be accomplished by the press conference, EMET President Sarah Stern said, “We need to communicate to the senators and congressmen living in [the Capitol] that they have got to cast their vote on the side of what America’s always represented.”

“America’s always represented what’s good in the world,” she said, “and they’ve always had the courage to be able to fight the good fight of goodness against evil.”

“They need to know the American people do not want this deal,” said Stern.  “Two out of every three Americans are against this deal. There is more wisdom in the little fingernail of a pinky of the average American than there is in the whole Obama administration” she said.

The bargain, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), is a proposed deal between the P5+1 (the five members of the U.N. Security Council plus Germany) and Iran, crafted in response to Iran’s nuclear program.

In the Senate, all 54 Republicans and 4 Democrats have declared opposition to the deal, with the remaining 42 Democrats saying they support it. If the resolution of disapproval were introduced under the terms of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, opponents of the deal would need 60 votes to override a filibuster in the Senate and 67 votes to override a presidential veto.
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