Author Topic: FLASHBACK: Dempsey Said Last Week ‘Under No Circumstances Should We Relieve Pressure on Iran Relative to Ballistic Missile Capabilities And Arms Trafficking’  (Read 371 times)

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FLASHBACK: Dempsey Said Last Week ‘Under No Circumstances Should We Relieve Pressure on Iran Relative to Ballistic Missile Capabilities And Arms Trafficking’

Posted By David Rutz On July 14, 2015 @ 7:22 am In National Security | No Comments

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey said just last week that “under no circumstances should we relieve pressure on Iran relative to ballistic missile capabilities and arms trafficking.”

Answering a question July 7 from Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R., N.H.) about why it was important to prevent Iran from having an intercontinental ballistic missile program, Defense Secretary Ash Carter stated his agreement with that position because of the danger inherent in Iran having that capability. Carter asked Dempsey to weigh in on the issue too, where he made his statement that any idea of relieving those preventive measures should be off the table.

The nuclear deal struck with Iran that was announced Tuesday morning stipulated the United Nations arms embargo against Iran will be phased out in five years, and U.S. sanctions over Iranian ballistic missiles will be gone in eight years.

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