Author Topic: #BlackLivesMatter Protests Confederate Flag by Burning American Flag  (Read 339 times)

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#BlackLivesMatter Protests Confederate Flag by Burning American Flag

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On June 23, 2015 @ 11:51 am In The Point | 51 Comments

Here’s the problem with the whole Confederate flag debate. Whatever anyone thinks of the Confederate flag (and let’s not even get into the whole battle flag thing for the moment) it’s a chain issue.

As I’ve written many times, the left doesn’t stop at its current demand. Its current demand leads to its next demand. If South Carolina had done it on its own in 2002, it would be one issue. Doing it because of a left-wing pressure campaign now means that the American flag will be next.

And that’s not a hypothetical issue.

The left has already attempted to ban the American flag in some places and #BlackLivesMatter protesters in Charleston are showing which flag is really their target [1].

black-nationalist-flag-rally-575x565 [2]

Ironically #BlackLivesMatter has a lot in common with Dylann Storm Roof who also burned the American flag. They’re both racists who hate this country.

The Pan-African Flag being waved in the background while the American flag is being burned shows that like Roof, a choice has been made. It’s not a choice that the media will call its pet racists out for.

Interestingly enough there had at one point been a proposal to fly the Black Liberation Flag next to the Confederate flag in South Carolina. The NAACP rejected it because it emphasized black separatism.

Will the media call out a racist movement whose members have already murdered a number of people, including two police officers, for flying a racist separatist flag while burning an American flag?

Some forms of anti-American racism continue to be sanctified by Obama and the media.

And the Charleston #BlackLivesMatter protesters are showing that their issue isn’t with the Confederate flag, it’s with the American flag.

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Offline mrclose

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Re: #BlackLivesMatter Protests Confederate Flag by Burning American Flag
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2015, 07:42:36 pm »
Next up ..

I am convinced that the dumbing down of most Americans is almost complete when it comes to our history!

The real Stars and Bars:

The flag that the media keeps calling the Stars and Bars is the Confederate Naval Jack.

More history:

The historical reasons for the War of Northern Aggression have more to do with severe tariffs and duties the North placed on Southern goods than with slavery.

The Yankee border states had slaves too.
In fact, the Emancipation Proclamation was just a war ploy on Lincoln’s part, “freeing” only the slaves in the confederacy, and trying to create a fifth column behind enemy lines.

The border state slaves remained enslaved until the end of the war.

Lincoln was quoted as saying he wanted to send all the blacks back to Africa.

For your scrap books:
« Last Edit: June 25, 2015, 01:06:30 am by mrclose »
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