Author Topic: #BlackLivesMatter Riot Organizers Occupy ACORN Office Demanding Money  (Read 502 times)

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#BlackLivesMatter Riot Organizers Occupy ACORN Office Demanding Money

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On May 17, 2015 @ 8:08 am In The Point | 2 Comments

f4bdb717ea17460eccf14b0d290978bbb279c17e [1]

Race riots are expensive to organize, and not just for the stores that get looted and the taxpayers who have to pay overtime to the cops.

Now Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment, formerly ACORN, is clashing with some of its race riot organizers over the cash. MORE climbed very loudly and vocally on the Ferguson “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” hoax, using Michael Brown’s family as a prop and fundraising off Ferguson.

In March, they announced race riot organizer funding.

Travel funding for individuals and grassroots groups that are working to advocate for police accountability and Black lives. A fixed sum of $20,000 has been set aside for this initiative.

Travel funding is available for Individuals ($300), Groups of 3+ ppl ($1000), and Large Collaborations of 6+ ($2000) to take trips that directly help attendees advocate for police accountability and Black lives.

Now it’s show me the money time [2].

#CutTheCheck. That’s the hashtag for Black activists demanding payment from white liberals for taking part in the months-long protests in Ferguson, Missouri over the police shooting death of unarmed Black teenaged criminal Michael Brown in a confrontation with white Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson last August.

Black activists held a sit-in at the office of MORE (Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment) on Thursday to press their claim that groups led by whites have collected tens of thousands of dollars in donations off of the Black Lives Matter movement without paying the Black participants their fair share.

During the sit-in, one of the Black activists threatened the white representative for MORE, saying, “We gon’, we gonna just **** you up.” (Expletive deleted.)

Of course it’s about the money. It’s always about the money.

Questions have been raised as to how the movement is to sustain when white non-profits are hoarding monies collected of off (sic) black bodies? When we will (sic) hold the industry of black suffering accountable? The people of the community are fed up and the accountability begins here and now.

Part of the problem is that MORE, like most lefty activist groups, is rather white. And that radical activists tend to start feeding off their wealthier patrons. Something similar happened when Occupy Wall Street gave up fighting Wall Street and instead turned on the Trinity Church which had been hosting them and demanded real estate and money. That marked the real end of the movement.

This may similarly mark the beginning of the end for the #BlackLivesMatter racist hate group.



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 88finger point :happyhappy: :mauslaff: 000hehehehe :laughingdog: :bigsilly: :silly:

Pardon me while I laugh my ass off, but the vision of ACORN getting hoisted on their own petard is hilarious to me!

Don't tread on me.   8888madkitty

We told you Trump would win - bigly!