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Muslim Bullshitter Of The Year Awards 2013
« on: April 30, 2015, 01:24:41 pm »
Muslim Bullshitter Of The Year Awards 2013

December 23, 2013 kafircrusaders   7 Comments


Muslims are well-known for exaggerating, concealing the truth and in some cases outright lying to deceive people and scaremonger to further Islam. The stealth jihad tactic is actually permitted in Islam known as taqiyya.

Muslim apologists and dawah merchants all use the principles below
•‘never let the truth get in the way of a good story.’   
•‘bullshit baffles brains’
•‘tell a lie often enough and eventually people will start to believe it’

So with 2013 drawing to a close it’s only right to declare 1 lucky Muslim liar as the Bullshiter Of The Year 2013. The shortlist has been drawn up and the one with the most votes will be crowned champion and  be able to brag to their mates they are the one and only Muslim Bullshitter Of The Year 2013

Vote A =    Babar Ahmad – Terrorist recently extradited to the USA


For 8 years while held in British prisons before being extradited to the USA claimed to be completely innocent of any crime. 100,000 muslims signed a petition calling for his release. Muslims and the far left claimed he was a political prisoner and a victim of Islamophobia. He received support in his legal dispute from the BBC, Guardian newspaper, UAF, SWP, Muslim Council Of Britain, Stop The War, MP Sadiq Khan.

Last week in an American Federal Court, Babar Ahmad decided he wasn’t innocent as he had been claiming and pleaded guilty.

Vote B=    George Galloway -Bradford MP, Stop The War Coalition, Press TV


When he is not getting off on his interracial cuckold fetish, Muslim MP George Galloway can usually be found on Iranian channel Press TV spouting his anti UK/USA/Israel propaganda. Galloway is not one to let the truth get in the way of a good story. Such as his claims that  Israel were involved with the chemical weapons attack in Syria. On one of the rare occasion he actually attended parliament a fellow MP quizzed him on his chemical weapons statement. Unfazed snake Galloway lied through his back teeth and completely denied saying such a thing

Vote C=    Fiyaz Mughal OBE – Tell Mama UK/ Faith Matters

z list muslim celeb fiyaz mughal attention seeking

Fiyaz Mughal is without doubt a serial fantasist who has got to be in with a good chance of winning this award. Mr Mughal has received over £750,000 of taxpayers money in the last 5 years under false pretences via his 2 business ventures Tell Mama and Faith Matters. When he published TellMamas first year results his two main hate crimes were a family hounded out of their home in Notts. But failed to mention that it was by a 15-year-old boy who lived in the same street responsible. The other was a hit and run that he claims was an Islamophobic hate attack purely because the driver was a non-Muslim  and the person knocked over was Muslim .Unless the driver has been caught and admitted purposely knocking the person over because they were a Muslim. Then it is simply a hit and run not a hate crime.

After the Woolwich incident Mughal then went viral portraying Muslims as the victims. Appearing on TV, radio and in newspaper reports around the world playing the victim and sympathy seeking. Banding a set of figures around of alleged hate crimes and chatting on about a never-ending cycle of violence against Muslims. I will give Fiyaz Mughal his due, he made himself into something of a Z list celeb off the back of Lee Rigby’s murder and was doing a good job of fooling the general public into thinking Muslims were actually victims….until Andrew Gilligan’s excellent piece in the Telegraph exposing Fiyaz Mughal’s ‘never ending cycle of violence’ as a fraud, no more than name calling on social media websites. TellMama then lost its government funding after this year due to Mr Mughals fiddling of hate crime figures.

Since then as regular as clock work when Muslims are getting criticism(i.e. Kenya, Woolwich trial, PM speech) Mughal crawls from under his stone still with the same false figures and claims of a surge in anti Muslim hate crimes. He is now trying to authenticate his fake figures by mentioning some university’s far right expert(also on the Islamophobia gravy train) who used the figures in a report. It doesn’t matter if there was a million reports that used his figures,it still doesn’t make them correct if the source(FM) is wrong.

After the government saying they will tackle Islamic extremists , Mughal  once again claimed he expects yet another surge in Islamophobic attacks because of this and has extra staff on stand by. He has also taken to social network sites threatening people with arrests by the police and legal action. Listening to him waffle on you may think TellMama are part of the solution. When really they are part of the problem.

Vote D=    Lutfur Rahman – Extremist Mayor of Tower Hamlets


Mayor Lutfur Rahman of Tower Hamlets has bullshitted his way through his entire time as leader of the London enclave. Rahman has lied to the residents of LBTH portraying himself as somebody who has their interests at heart when in reality its only his fellow Muslims he is concerned about. Constantly dodging and denying all allegations of corruption and extremist links aimed at him whilst handing out millions to Islamic groups linked with his extremist friends at IFE. Even the IFE controlled East London Mosque which regularly hosts hate preachers and according to its last accounts had almost £3m in the bank has benefited from council hand outs

Vote E=    Iftikhar Ahmad – London School of Islamics Spammer


Iftikhar Ahmad is a regular commentator here and across the worldwide web. He can be found cutting and pasting the same 10 or so comments calling for Muslim only schools on lots of websites. Despite an obvious hate for the country he made his home, which he claims is full of 12 year olds giving birth, teenage females in short skirts drunk being sick outside pubs and 9 year olds given condoms at school. IA claims it is every Muslims right to receive Muslim only schooling (sex segregated) with Muslim only staff to learn the beauty of Islam due to Imperialist plundering of Muslim lands a long time ago. According to Mr Ahmad, Muslim only schools are the answer to everything from Muslim grooming gangs, rapists,murderers,fraudsters and everything else you could possibly imagine. Often he cites monolingual British education in non-Muslim schools as the reason for a Muslims crimes…..even those  immigrants that have come from Muslim lands and went to Islamic schools before setting foot in the UK.

Vote  F=    Mehdi Hasan – Huff Post Editor / Muslim Apologist


Mehdi Hasan is the boss at the pro Muslim/Far-Left Huffington Post and a regular  on TV shows as the Muslim apologist guest. On BBC question time he went into a rant accusing the Daily Mail of being anti-British, woman hating, homophobic, immigrant bashing and Muslim smearing after the Mail had said the father of his friend, Labour leader Ed Millabrand was a communist and  anti-British. Hypocrite Hasan failed to inform viewers he had previously wrote a begging letter to the DM asking for a job. Or that he wrote a book on red ED which contained private family information to the Mail On Sunday.

Hasan is another dawah merchant like Mughal, constantly trying to sell the watered down version of Islam to the public. Making a lot of noise about Islamophobia and the actions of infidels, when he is on video calling non-Muslims filthy kafir who live like animals.

Over at HP as the boss Mehdi Hasan controls what content is published and therefore responsible for the huge chunks of Bullshit mixed with half-truths they put out as news. A tactic often used is to make a none story into a big event especially if it involved  the chance to demonize critics of Islam such as the EDL or their ex leader Tommy Robinson. Divert the bad attention away from Muslims making somebody else the bad ones. A simple tweet would be enough to have Hasan’s staff in a frenzy blowing it out of all proportions.

His comment moderators like Saudi style religious police deleting anything that is different to their opinion. Even when it is the truth. One recent piece springs to mind on Islamic science where the writer had  virtually copied another article titled “How Islamic inventors changed the world” written by Paul Vallely and published in The Independent a few years ago. The reason i knew this was because it listed the exact same Muslim inventions that weren’t actually Muslim inventions and been proved false lots of times. Naturally it i felt it my duty to comment and inform HP of their error. Within minutes my quite polite comment pointing a few things out was gone along with every other critical comment leaving only dhimmi’s comments along the lines of “ahhh aint Islam brill”
« Last Edit: April 30, 2015, 01:25:22 pm by rangerrebew »

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Re: Muslim Bullshitter Of The Year Awards 2013
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2015, 01:49:21 pm »
Here's my nominee:
“Here in America, Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.”

- Barack Hussein Obama, February 2015.
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. -Alexander Solzhenitsyn