Author Topic: Majority of Americans: Obama Won’t Do What It Takes to Beat Terrorists  (Read 359 times)

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Majority of Americans: Obama Won’t Do What It Takes to Beat Terrorists

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On January 16, 2015 @ 10:20 am In The Point | 16 Comments

Obama will do whatever it takes to beat the Constitution. Not Islamic terrorists.

And most Am/dericans know it’s true.

A decisive 64-percent majority of voters thinks the threat from Islamic extremists is increasing and another 29 percent says it is holding steady. Just 4 percent say the threat is decreasing.

Republicans overwhelmingly think the threat is increasing (79 percent). Democrats split between saying it is increasing (45 percent) and staying the same (45 percent).

At the same time, a 55-38 percent majority says Obama is not prepared to do “whatever it takes to defeat Islamic extremists.” That’s mostly unchanged since September, when the margin was 54-39 percent.

Among the issues where ratings of Obama’s performance were tested, he receives some of his lowest job ratings on the response to ISIS. Currently 33 percent of voters approve of the job he’s doing, while 56 percent disapprove. More than one in four Democrats (29 percent) joins in the disapproval.

About half of Democrats have come to terms with reality despite media messaging. That must be some kind of record.

On the other hand 38 percent of Americans believe that the guy releasing every terrorist from Gitmo will do whatever it takes to win.

Sure. Obama will do whatever it takes. Hashtags. Freeing them from prison. Locking up people who offend them.

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