Author Topic: After 400% Increase In Drug Arrests, Neighbors Sue Colorado Over Legalization  (Read 561 times)

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After 400% Increase In Drug Arrests, Neighbors Sue Colorado Over Legalization

By Joseph R. Carducci, December 21, 2014.

Drugs and the legalization or decriminalization of drugs is something that everyone seems to have their own opinion about. Interestingly, this is also a topic that crosses party or political lines and agendas. Our wonderful President Obama does, however, appear very interested in allowing the various states free reign in determining for themselves whether or not to go down the path of legalization of marijuana.

I find this very interesting since in almost every other case, our amazing President Obama does not trust the states to do much of anything. On top of that, he has even been guilty of trying to punish the states who fail to do his bidding, by sending bus loads of illegal aliens to their borders, and withholding of federal funds and other methods. Heck, we have even seen recently how his Regime is trying to force their own ideas about dishing out school punishments by racial quota.

Neighbors Sue Colorado Over Weed Influx

Colorado is one of the first states to legalize the use of marijuana. While this may or may not be good news, depending upon your outlook and political perspective, we are certainly seeing some additional effects as a result. Due to these consequences, the Attorney Generals of Oklahoma and Nebraska are now suing the state of Colorado in order to have their drug policy declared unconstitutional. Oklahoma AG Scott Pruitt has said Colorado’s policy “injured Oklahoma’s ability to enforce our policies against marijuana.” The AG of Nebraska Jon Burning has also said about as much in a recent news conference, as reported by the Associated Press:

“This contraband has been heavily trafficked into our state…While Colorado reaps millions from the sale of pot, Nebraska taxpayers have to bear the cost. In a policy statement last year, the US Justice Department noted it doesn’t have the resources to police all violations of federal marijuana law. It laid out eight federal law enforcement priorities that states need to protect if they want to authorize ‘marijuana related conduct.’ They include keeping marijuana in-state—something Oklahoma and Nebraska says Colorado has failed to do.”

Obama Refuses to Enforce Federal Drug Laws

Of course, the Obama Regime has simply refused to enforce federal drug laws while allowing the Colorado legalization plan to move forward. This is basically the same tactic Obama has taken with illegal immigration, essentially refusing to enforce the laws currently on the books.

Still, no one can deny there is a real problem here. Even USA Today has reported on the situation, stating that felony drug arrests have increased dramatically. In Chappell, Nebraska, for example (which is just seven miles north of the Colorado border) these arrests have increased by 400 percent in just three years. Maybe folks are getting the bright idea of buying some pot in Colorado and then taking it into Nebraska and Oklahoma and trying to sell it?

This could be considered just another example of how Obama is simply trying to destroy the fabric of our country from the inside out. He is already doing quite a good job of it with allowing hordes of illegals to enter at will. And it is unlikely that the idea of enterprising people capitalizing on the smuggling of drugs across state lines was not considered when allowing these legalization laws to go forward. Plainly speaking, I am saying Obama wants to see more and more drugs throughout the country. It is all part of his grand plan to continue weakening the United States.

What do YOU think? Am I crazy? Are these simply unintended consequences? Will we see more states legalize marijuana (and maybe other drugs) in 2015?
« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 10:57:03 am by rangerrebew »