Author Topic: No Deal: Castro Daughter Says Obama Dreaming About New Cuban Normalization  (Read 326 times)

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No Deal: Castro Daughter Says Obama Dreaming About New Cuban Normalization

By Joseph R. Carducci, December 20, 2014.

By now you have certainly heard that our wonderful leader, the amazing President Barack Hussein Obama, wants to undergo a campaign of ‘normalization’ in our relations with Cuba. Never mind the fact that the country is still ruled by a hard line Communist leader. Never mind that same hard line Communist leader is the brother of the man who has called for ‘death to America’ many times…and probably feels pretty much the same way himself. Never mind that many in the US government have already decried this ‘deal.’

No matter, because Obama himself is a Communist more or less. Anyone who has eyes or a brain can see that everything he has done to this country is pretty much in line with the dictates and principles of Communism. Just think about it. Large scale spying on citizens is a big part of the Communist machine, and one that Obama has directed the NSA to implement. Just ask Edward Snowden.

Gun control has also always been a huge piece of the puzzle for any self respecting Communist leader. And Obama has done all he can to take away more and more of our guns. At least this part of his agenda has not turned out quite as he has hoped, since more and more Americans are now in favor of no additional gun control laws—and even perhaps support rolling back some of the more egregious laws in this area.

Castro’s Daughter Wary of Obama’s Motives

Now, Obama has said that by opening things up with Cuba, we will be able to bring them more economic freedom. While that may sound good…and the return of capitalism to the island would certainly be a welcome event…it is something that Cuba heartily rejects. Mariela Castro is the daughter of President Raul Castro and the niece of Fidel. She is also an influential member of the Cuban Parliament. The other day she made some interesting comments about this so-called Cuban deal:

So, is America and Obama really just ‘dreaming’ about all of this? It clearly seems as if Cuba doesn’t want capitalism. Of course, anyone who knows Obama understands this is not his real motivation. He cares nothing for the spread of capitalism. It is more likely he hopes this openness with Cuban will affect the US more and bring about more of a ‘normalization’ of our government, politics, and markets to be more in line with the Cuban system.

Obama Spins Deal

Of course, since Obama announced this new Cuban plan, he has been backtracking a bit. That is also nothing new for our feckless President. He is now saying that this whole operation is going to take quite a bit of time, hoping this will give him some political cover while he goes about trying to change things for the worse.

Our lovely Obama has now also said that Cuba should not put American businesses at a disadvantage. He said the increased commerce will be good for both countries. Perhaps. It certainly opens up an interesting market, albeit a fairly small one. Personally, I’m dying to have my first legal Cuban cigar!

With all of this in mind, how surprising is it that Mariela seemed suspicious of Obama’s motives? She doesn’t want…and will not allow…her country to return to a state of, ‘being a servile country to the interests of the most powerful financial groups in the US.’

What do YOU think about this? What are Obama’s true motives for this Cuban move? Will it lead to less freedom for America? Or is it a legitimate attempt to bring Cuban closer to America?
« Last Edit: December 21, 2014, 01:09:09 am by rangerrebew »