Author Topic: Republican leaders hope to contain outrage in the ranks over Obama immigration moves....By Robert Costa  (Read 8603 times)

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You using Marxist propaganda to support your position doesn't sting me. It just illustrates what position you're arguing from.

Here's the undeniable fact.

Since universal suffrage became the rule of law in the land we're all less free and in deeper debt than at any time in the history of the nation prior to it.

P.S. There is no right to vote. At least not according to SCOTUS.

P.S.S. Conscription is unconstitutional.

P.S.S.S. The property owners who created the entitlement system did so after being elected to office by suffraged voters that they made entitlements for votes promises to.

P.S.S.S.S. So, in a conservative forum where the idea that voters voting for politicians based on how much those politicians promise to get them in entitlements is pretty much an accepted truism, you want to argue that this is not a fact?

I'll take that as concession, seeing as there is nothing of substance, merely pejorative epithet and appeal to truisms.