Author Topic: Muslims Blame Malaysian Tornado on Petting Dogs, Call for Stoning Dog Lover  (Read 358 times)

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Muslims Blame Malaysian Tornado on Petting Dogs, Call for Stoning Dog Lover

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On October 24, 2014 @ 12:55 pm In The Point | 42 Comments

Muslims and non-Muslims animal lovers attend the ‘I wanna to touch a dog’ event in Central Park, Bandar Utama, October 19, 2014. — Picture by Choo Choy May

If it’s not Cartoonophobia, it’s Gynophobia. And if it’s not Gynophobia, it’s Judeophobia. And if it’s not Judeophobia, it’s Christophobia. And if it’s not that, then it’s Dogophobia.

Moderate Muslim Malaysia is now being torn apart by controversy over petting dogs. Since it’s a moderate Muslim country, no one has been stoned to death.


More than 1,000 people attended the “I Want to Touch a Dog” event in the affluent Bandar Utama neighborhood on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur. But the event’s planner, Syed Azmi Alhabshi, has now been forced into hiding after hard-liners insisted he “should be stoned to death.”

It’s a Jewish conspiracy to turn Muslims into Christians using dogs.

One Facebook user’s comment — as reported by the Malaysian Insider — illustrates the level of paranoia in the hard-line camp. The user said the dog-familiarization event was part of “a Jewish agenda to Christianise Muslim-Malaysians through subtle measures.”

It’s so subtle that I don’t know how this conspiracy is supposed to work.

1. Muslims pet dogs.

2. Then they convert to Christianity.

3. The Jews win?

4. The tornadoes arrive

Perkasa, a fascist Muslim organization, has suggested that “widespread vice” in Malaysia, including “alcohol and dog-petting festivals”, had triggered the unusual tornadoes that have wreaked havoc in the country.

“What has caused tornadoes to be interested in coming to this country when all this while it has never been interested to do so,” the Selangor chapter of the group asked in a Facebook post.

“In the past, we only hear of it hitting the South China Sea and even if it does hit, it would be to Vietnam or the Philippines.

“Could it have something to do with the widespread vice, such as gambling centres, prostitution, beer and dog-petting festivals which have become an attraction?”

In its posting, Perkasa urged the public to reflect on the “truth” behind the disasters that had hit the country, adding that only Allah knew the truth.

Unless Allah has been bought off by the Jews. You never know with them. But according to Islamic law, if you own a dog, you don’t go to heaven and don’t get 72 virgins.

That privilege is reserved for the murderers and heapdchopper rapists of ISIS.

To do so would mean a loss of pahala or reward in heaven. But only Allah knows how much reward would be deducted through a measure known as qirot.

And if you own a dog, there’s a double secret qirot. But is there a Fatwa, you’re asking. Of course there’s a Fatwa.

Fatwa Council says touching dogs not Islamic

Islamic authorities in Malaysia are conducting a probe into a controversial “dog patting” event aimed at removing the stigma regarding men’s best friend in the multi-ethnic Muslim-majority country.

Malaysia’s National Fatwa Council has declared that Muslims who touch and hold dogs intentionally are going against mainstream Islamic doctrine in the country.

Muslim leader, Nooh Gadut, said the event was an attempt to insult clerics.

Did the clerics want to be touched instead of the dogs?

Fida Ismail, a customer service officer, said: “We do want to touch dogs because they’re cute but we know those things are forbidden. So we should avoid it. Once we’ve touched, then little kids will think they can touch dogs too.”

“I am very happy,” Nur Aliyah Mohammed Nasir, age 7, told Star Online. “I touched many dogs and carried them. My favorite is the Huskies.”

Next thing you know he’ll become a Christian and then the tornadoes will really kick in.

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