Author Topic: Central American Extortion to Stop Illegal Immigration  (Read 774 times)

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Central American Extortion to Stop Illegal Immigration
« on: October 16, 2014, 12:37:40 pm »

Central American Extortion to Stop Illegal Immigration

Posted on October 16, 2014 by Frank Camp — 0 Comments   

Should the U.S. pay Central American extortion to get those countries to stop the flood of immigrants?

According to Google, extortion is “the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.”

Thanks to Breitbart Texas, and the work of Brandon Darby, during the early summer, Americans were made aware of the extraordinary influx of young adults, and children illegally migrating into the United States. And Obama isn’t a wide-eyed babe in the woods regarding this issue either. His expansion of DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) was the clarion call that initiated the influx. What the Obama administration didn’t want the country to see was made plainly visible to our eyes. If this wasn’t bad enough–that thousands of people are entering our country illegally, through our barely existent border–now the governments of several Central American countries are asking for our money to stop the mass migration. Hang on; let me rephrase that to more accurately describe the situation. The governments of several Central American countries are extorting us.

According to Reuters via Yahoo News:

“The United States should provide billions of dollars to help Central American nations curb the flow of illegal migrants, Guatemalan President Otto Perez said, and his government warns the problem will get worse if Washington fails to help…The initiative contains proposals to overhaul energy supply, roads, airports, and other key infrastructure in the region, alongside various other measures.”

It’s alleged in the article that the reason behind much of the violence in these poor, Central American nations is due to North American demand for illegal narcotics.

According to Carlos Morales, Guatemala’s foreign minister: “The United States has to support this, it has no other option…If they don’t support it, the crisis will kick off again; you can count on it.”

Let me see if I understand this. It’s our fault that drug lords are decimating your countries, and young people are fleeing to the United States to escape the violence. If we want this unprecedented flow of illegal minors to stop, we must give you money for “jobs,” and “infrastructure.” Sounds like extortion to me.

According to German Lopez of Vox:

“If Americans didn’t buy illegal drugs, or if drugs could be accessed through other, perhaps legal means in the US, there wouldn’t be an illicit drug market to help fund violent organizations’ operations.“

So it’s our fault. First, that’s an insane argument. Let’s legalize drugs to stop the drug cartels. That’s akin to the back-alley abortion argument frequently used by the left. It’s asking the very stupid question “Why laws, when we can have not laws?” It leads us to ask “Why prohibit ANYTHING?” It’s infantile. We should give people a means to access dangerous, and lethal drugs so that the violence being perpetrated by the drug cartels will end. Finally! Meth is so hard to make these days; I’d love to buy it at Target!

Second, how about this? Let’s actually enforce our southern border! If we spend the money we would be giving these countries on a real, physical, and sound border fence (which every Democrat ever seems to think is impossible to build, and too expensive–excuse my laughter), and beef up border security significantly, we could stop the cartels from trafficking drugs here in the first place. That would diminish their power, and financial standing, while also giving us an actual border through which the world could not enter as easily as a burglar enters a home with a wide open front door.

Finally, where would the money go, and how would it help at all? They say it would go to infrastructure, etc, to provide jobs, but how would that help end the violence? I doubt providing short-term jobs to people in Guatemala is going to diminish the power of drug cartels. Additionally, so long as the cartels have easy access to the United States through our nonexistent border, their business will continue as usual. We cannot know where the money would actually wind up, and even if it were poured into infrastructure, providing people short-term employment, the cartels would have no reason to stop their violent behavior. It’s a patently absurd notion.

I don’t have a problem with aid to foreign countries that need some financial support, so long as it is reasonable, but I don’t like the United States being extorted. I don’t like being given an ultimatum of “give us money, or the mass migration will not stop.” It’s outrageous that this is even being asked, and the argument behind the idea is asinine.