Author Topic: Obama’s Cowardly Behavior Towards Netanyahu  (Read 465 times)

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Obama’s Cowardly Behavior Towards Netanyahu
« on: October 05, 2014, 10:27:14 am »
The American Spectator

Obama’s Cowardly Behavior Towards Netanyahu

By Aaron Goldstein on 10.2.14 | 5:06PM
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is understandably miffed with President Obama's criticisms of settlements (through WH Press Secretary Josh Earnest) considering he had met with him only hours without bringing up the subject.

So why did Obama behave in this manner? I suspect he did this because Netanyahu publicly admonished Obama not enter into nuclear deal with Iran that leaves the Mullahs on the "threshold" of being able to develop nuclear weapons. This is, after all, a matter of Israel's very survival.

But Obama doesn't take criticism well and wanted to get back at him. So once Bibi was safely away from the White House and on his way back to Jerusalem, Obama sent out Earnest to do a job he wouldn't do himself.

Obama's behavior towards Netanyahu is cowardly. He couldn't face him like a man. How could he? Bibi would have destroyed Obama in a discussion over settlements. Obama isn't intelligent enough to be in the same room with Bibi.

The President's conduct towards Netanyahu is also petty in view of our present troubles in Iraq and Syria in ISIS. Compared with beheading and other genocidal behavior, Israeli settlement activity should be way, way down on Obama's list of foreign policy priorities. The fact that Israeli settlements are a focal point of Obama's foreign policy does not speak well of priorities. Nor does it speak well of Obama that he determines said foreign policy priorities because a fellow head of state had the temerity to speak to him in less than reverential tones.
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