Author Topic: State Department Proof Most Muslims Reject ISIS Fails So Hard  (Read 257 times)

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State Department Proof Most Muslims Reject ISIS Fails So Hard
« on: September 08, 2014, 09:55:27 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

State Department Proof Most Muslims Reject ISIS Fails So Hard

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On September 7, 2014 @ 11:34 am In The Point | 7 Comments

Think Again Turn Away is the State Department’s attempt at outreach to Muslims to convince them not to become terrorists. It seems to only Tweet in English because its real target audience are non-Muslim Americans.

This Tweet is its attempt to prove that most Muslims oppose ISIS.

The photo however isn’t from Iraq or Syria. It’s from a Benghazi protest against Ansar Al-Islam after the attack.

The Libyan flags are an obvious tell. The State Department however was insisting that Al Qaeda wasn’t involved. Now it almost seems to be suggesting that it is.

The “protest” largely consisted of identical misspelled signs.

A lot of liberals fastened on the scene at the time, but Benghazi today is held by Ansar Al-Sharia and other Jihadist groups… who control most of the country.

So the message here may not be what State actually seems to want.

The State Department’s Tweet did not attract any of the fabled moderate Muslims. Just a Muslim Jihadist named Hassan Nashwan Bahar from Minneapolis who claims to be a security PhD and spends a lot of time trolling Think Again, Turn Away.

And yes, he’s an ISIS fan.

And then Unite Blue, a liberal Twitter spam factory, whose CA outlet is trying to help California Democrats, put in its 2 cents of trolling.

That was enormously helpful.

You’ll see a whole bunch of news puff pieces about how effective Think Again Turn Away is. Here’s how effective it really is.

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