Author Topic: Pro-Hamas Protesters Attack Marine in Front of White House  (Read 345 times)

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Pro-Hamas Protesters Attack Marine in Front of White House
« on: August 04, 2014, 09:30:59 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

Pro-Hamas Protesters Attack Marine in Front of White House

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On August 3, 2014 @ 11:25 am In The Point | 88 Comments

The situation outside the White House mirrors the situation inside it.

On Saturday, a national march for Gaza took place in front of the White House. A pro-Israeli counter-protester (U.S. Marine and Iraq War veteran Manny Vega) was standing on 16th and H Streets with Israeli and American flags.

This is where the video begins recording. He was punched, pulled, kicked, and even spat on.

Manny Vega had participated in the takedown of memorial barricades during Obama’s shutdown.

Manny Vega, an undeterred retired U.S. Marine and Iraq War veteran, spoke to Breitbart News about the incident.
“What brought me out here is this sort of anti-Israel atmosphere that this administration is holding over the United States,” Vega told Breitbart News. “I want to show the Israeli people there are American people in our nation that support the state of Israel… And that is why am standing here with an American flag on my right hand, and Israeli flag on my left hand, in a show of solidarity with the Israeli people.”

“Israelis love life; they can coexist with other nations and they have since 1948. Israel has extended a hand to shake, but they shake it and go back to fight,” Vega reportedly told the protestor.

When asked if he was concerned about the protestors turning violent, Vega said:

“I have no fear, Vega said. “I’m not going to get stabbed, or lit on fire, but they tried to light my flag on fire.”

“Hey, I’m not going to be pushed out of here… If I was in Palestine, my throat my throat would be slit, but I’m in front of the White House. This is America, and I have every right to be here with the American flag, and the Israeli flag as a counter protest to the ‘Free Gaza, Anti-Occupation’ protest here. And pro-Hamas.”

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