Author Topic: Executive Action: Obama Plans to Fly Illegal Aliens Directly to America  (Read 1109 times)

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Executive Action: Obama Plans to Fly Illegal Aliens Directly to America

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On July 25, 2014 @ 4:55 pm In The Point | 10 Comments

I wrote about this yesterday already, but the proposal grows even worse by the minute.

Hoping to stem the recent surge of migrants at the Southwest border, the Obama administration is considering whether to allow hundreds of minors and young adults from Honduras into the United States without making the dangerous trek through Mexico, according to a draft of the proposal.

Administration officials said they believed the plan could be enacted through executive action, without congressional approval, as long as it did not increase the total number of refugees coming into the country.

How would you even begin to estimate that?

Essentially we’re soliciting large numbers of migrants from Honduras to enter the United States without the trouble of even sneaking over the border. Obviously there’s going to be a huge increase in “refugees”.

Some people have said that Obama turned the Border Patrol into taxpayer-funded coyotes. Now the same thing will happen to embassies and consulates. The goal will be to import as many Democratic voters into America as possible.

Obama’s response to every crisis he causes is to make it even worse.

This plan is being advertised as doing two things it obviously won’t do…

1. Slow the flood of migrants (instead they’ll enter the US legally)

2. Reduce the resource strain (huge numbers of migrants will be a major resource strain on towns, cities and the country.)

But this is also a field test for Obama’s plotted executive action amnesty. If he gets away with this, he’ll go bigger.

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