Author Topic: Lois Lerner’s Hard Drive Crashed, So Did the Hard Drives of Everyone She Emailed and Everyone Who Might Have Heard of Her  (Read 609 times)

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Lois Lerner’s Hard Drive Crashed, So Did the Hard Drives of Everyone She Emailed and Everyone Who Might Have Heard of Her

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On July 21, 2014 @ 5:42 pm In The Point | 27 Comments

If this gets big enough, Obama’s hard drive just might crash.

IRS Deputy Associate Chief Counsel Thomas Kane said in transcribed congressional testimony that more IRS officials experienced computer crashes, bringing the total number of crash victims to “less than 20,” and also said that the agency does not know if the lost emails are still backed up somewhere.

The new round of computer crash victims includes David Fish, who routinely corresponded with Lois Lerner, as well as Lerner subordinate Andy Megosh, Lerner’s technical adviser Justin Lowe, and Cincinnati-based agent Kimberly Kitchens.

The IT asset managers? They also crashed.

Ordering the destruction of a hard drive and documenting that process would be handled by trained, certified IT asset managers, according to IAITAM. But the group’s records show that at least three IRS IT asset managers were shuffled out of their positions around the time of the May 2013 inspector general’s report that detailed the agency’s targeting practices.

IAITAM said investigators need to “determine if these in-house IT asset managers were removed from the picture as the IRS email investigation heated up.”

But don’t worry, there’s no conspiracy here. Just routine computer error.

Hard drives crash all the time and statistics show that they are much more likely to crash in the vicinity of subpoenas due to a quantum entanglement between the subpoena, Obama, his subordinates and the molecules of the hard drive.

It’s just plain science.

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