Author Topic: The roots of Arab Muslim Nazism, terror, Islamofacism: (Or why Jews distrust Palestinians)  (Read 402 times)

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07-17-2014, 11:15 AM 
The roots of Arab Muslim Nazism, terror, Islamofacism:


Hamas' roots and where the term IslamoNazism comes from:

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

Amin Al-Husseini is appointed Head of Supreme Muslim Council (1922-1937) [vi] . He is hugely disappointed by the end of the Ottoman Empire under Ataturk. Husseini becomes fanaticized by the idea that he must restore the lost Islamic Empire. He vows to fight all Muslim seculars.

Muslim Brotherhood established in Egypt by Hassan El Banna [viii] in 1928. Amin Al-Husseini becomes a central member and ideological inspiration [ix] for the Muslim Brotherhood. Mother organization for today’s Egyptian Islamic Jihad and Hamas
  • . The Muslim Brotherhood preaches Wahhabi Islam [xi] , which justifies violent means to rid the ‘Muslim world’ of its non-Islamic element. It envisions a Pan-Islamic Empire, where strict Islamic law rules over all.


Hebron Massacre

Amin Al-Husseini organizes more riots in Palestine. He spreads false rumors to further turn the local Muslims against the Jews. Random murdering of Hebron Jews begins. Hebron Jewish community was over 2,000 years old.

1941: Amin Al-Husseini instigates a pro-nazi coup in Baghdad, Iraq. Kharaillah Tulfah is his right-hand man. Tulfah is Saddam Hussein’s mentor and uncle. Germany sends weapons and aircrafts to Husseini. Coup fails.

1941: Amin Al-Husseini in Berlin meets [xxiii] with Adolf Hitler [xxiv] and is active in the decision to exterminate all Jews through the infamous Final Solution [xxv] .

Amin Al Husseini Meets Hitler in Berlin During WWII

Hitler was reportedly content with deporting the Jews out of Europe to Palestine. Husseini perceived this as a threat to his stronghold in Palestine and pushed successfully for the extermination of the European Jews.

1942: April 25th. Amin Al-Husseini is made chief architect [xxvii] of Nazi offensive in Bosnia: Serbian-Cyrillic alphabet outlawed. Orthodox Serbs forced to wear Blue armband. Jewish Serbs forced to wear Yellow armband.
While in Bosnia, Amin Al-Husseini takes the title “Protector of Islam”. One hundred thousand (100,000) Bosnian Muslims join the Nazi ranks. They seek Nazi approval to establish autonomous Nazi protectorate for Bosnian Muslims.
Amin Al-Husseini approves the Pejani Plan, calling for the extermination of the Serbian population. Nazi Germany refuses to implement the Pejani plan.

Bosnian ethnic cleansing under Amin al Husseini:

. Orthodox Christian Serbs: 200,000 killed
. Jewish Bosnians: 22,000 killed
. Gypsies: over 40,000 killed

10,000 Children Die
Amin Al-Husseini intervenes personally with Nazi High Command to block Red Cross offer of exchanging 10,000 Jewish children for Nazi prisoners of war. They will die in Hitler’s gas chambers. [xxviii]

Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire. [xxx] Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops. [xxxi]

Head of Nazi SS troops Heinrich Himmler stated to Chief of Nazi propaganda Josef Goebbels:

have nothing against Islam because it educates the men in this division for me and promises them heaven if they fight and are killed in action. A very practical and attractive religion for soldiers.” [xxxiv]

Islamic Institute in Dresden, Germany

Nazi Islam

Heinrich Himmler, Head of SS, and close colleague of Amin Al-Husseini, financed and established Islamic Institute (‘Islamische Zentralinstitut’) in Dresden under the Mufti. The purpose was to create a generation of Islamic leaders that would continue to use Islam as a carrier for Nazi ideology into the 21st century. [xxxv]

Mufti Addresses Bosnian Muslim Nazi Troops

Amin Al Husseini Inspecting His Islamo-Nazi Troops in Bosnia during WWII.

March 1, 1944. Amin Al-Husseini makes speech from Berlin addressing Muslim SS Nazi troops: “Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, History and Religion. This saves your honor. God is with you.” [xxxvi]

Amin Al Husseini Recruiting Muslims To Serve Nazi Regime.

Amin Al-Husseini is appointed leader of Muslim Brotherhood in Jerusalem [xxxviii] . Wahhabi Islam becomes the perfect vector for Husseini’s policy of ethnic cleansing. He uses recently acquired Nazi methodology to implement his vision of an Arab World free of Jews (Juden-Rei in German). [xxxix]

Yugoslavia requests extradition from Egypt of Amin Al-Husseini for War Crimes [xl] , and Crimes against Humanity. Egyptian government refuses to release him [xli] .

HUSSEINI : “Murder The Jews! Murder Them All!”

Yasser Arafat’s Teacher and Uncle:
Amin Al-Husseini
Egyptian-born Yasser Arafat [xlii] meets Amin Al-Husseini at age 17 and starts to work for him. Amin Al-Husseini, uncle of Arafat, whose real name is Mohammed Abder Rauf Arafat Al-Kudwa Al-Husseini. Arafat reportedly changed his name intentionally to disguise his connection to Amin al-Husseini.

Arab League
Four Wars

The Arab League [xliv] , co-founded by Amin Al-Husseini, will support and declare all wars against the State of Israel in the 20th century. (1948, 1956, 1967, 1973) It will also support both Intifadas.


ODESSA Network
Losers Regroup
ODESSA network [xlv] . Egypt, home of Muslim Brotherhood, and Syria incorporate thousands of Nazi experts into Egyptian and Syrian [xlvi] army, government and propaganda service. Vatican heavily involved in providing travel visas for Nazi officers.
Amin Al-Husseini is directly implicated in providing safe haven to ex-Nazis in Arab lands. He is the main connection with Francois Genoud, Swiss banker of Third Reich, who finances the ODESSA network with money stolen from European Jews.

Amin Al-Husseini becomes president of World Islamic Congress, which he founded [xlviii] . The Islamic Fundamentalists implement plan of making Arab lands Judenrei (free of Jews), as Hitler did in Europe. All Jewish communities of North Africa and Middle East are persecuted.

Hundreds of thousands of Arab Jews, whose presence in Arab countries predates Islam by a thousand years, are killed or forced to leave their homelands.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2014, 01:17:36 pm by rangerrebew »