Author Topic: The Daily Caller Presents The Alphabet Of Racism: THE LETTER ‘C’  (Read 299 times)

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The Daily Caller Presents The Alphabet Of Racism: THE LETTER ‘C’

Posted By Eric Owens On 8:27 PM 07/19/2014 In | No Comments

The Daily Caller’s alphabetical tour de force showing that everything — no really, everything — is racist these days continues apace. The word has been bandied about so much that it is rapidly losing any real meaning.

Here are 12 things beginning with the letter ‘C’ that somebody, somewhere has deemed racist.

Carp — oily freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae — are racist according to Minnesota state senator John Hoffman. In April, Hoffman introduced a bill to start calling “Asian carp” the completely offensive name “invasive carp.” Hoffman complained that calling the fish “Asian” was insensitive, notes Breitbart.

Crossing your arms is racist according to black comedian Aries Spears, who explained to digital cable channel TV One that large numbers of white people are racists. As evidence, he said according to Breitbart, many white people cross their arms when President Barack Obama is referenced.

Climate change is racist according to Democratic Congressman Keith Ellison who, though he represents a district in frequently frigid Minnesota, managed to tweet in April: “Communities of color are more vulnerable to deaths from heat waves, which climate change will make worse #ActonClimate.” The tweets in reply are hilarious, by the way.

After country music singers Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley sang an acoustic ditty critical of Obamacare at the 2013 Country Music Awards, Twitter users took to their accounts to call the country music-loving audience a bunch of “rich white people who are racist and hate black people,” according to Fox News.

In December 2013, the obscure leftist website Salon ranted that Christianity is racist in an all all-over-the-place essay that lops in “Duck Dynasty,” Evangelicals’ rejection of homosexuality and these darned kids today. “[R]acism and colonization have also allowed white people, like Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, to create the Jesus they wish to see, too: a blonde, blue-eyed white man with long hair,” the Salon writer fumes.

Back in 2009, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) bizarrely suggested that colorblindness concerning race — “the idea that ignoring or overlooking racial and ethnic differences promotes racial harmony” — is somehow itself racist. The SPLC is, of course, most famous because a man named Floyd Lee Corkins used an SPLC “Hate Map” to find the Family Research Council headquarters in Washington, D.C. He entered the headquarters lobby in August 2012 in an attempt to “to kill as many people as possible” and “smother Chick-fil-A sandwiches in their faces” because he disagreed with the conservative organization about gay marriage. Corkins managed to shoot a security guard. The guard disarmed him. (RELATED: FBI Severs Ties With Liberal, Domestic Terrorism-Inspiring Southern Poverty Law Center)

Capitalism is racist, according to a large group of white people who gathered in March in downtown Madison, Wis. for a four-day self-flagellation conclave called the White Privilege Conference. One speaker, taxpayer-funded professor Stephanie Baran, said, “For me capitalism is the all-consuming thing,” according to Gateway Pundit. “Capitalism maintains white supremacy, white privilege, racism, sexism, patriarchy, um, hetero-normativity – you name it: capitalism.” (RELATED: White Privilege Conference Wastes Thousands Of Taxpayer Dollars

In May, administrators at the University of California, Irvine deemed coconut bras racist after the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity — known since 1984 by the moniker FIJI — hosted a charity fundraiser called the FIJI Islander party which featured students who dressed in coconut bras and grass skirts. The kerfuffle began on May 20 when Save Gasaiwai, a UCI student of Fijian descent, complained that the event caused pain to “marginalized” people and reinforced “white male hegemonic structures.” (RELATED: UC Irvine Leftists Call FIJI Frat Racist For Fundraiser Featuring Coconut Bras, Grass Skirts)

The term “Chinese fire drill” is racist, according to an October 2013 piece by National Public Radio. Ever heard of it? It’s apparently a thing where everybody gets out of a car and runs around it, then tries to get back in. The nearly-700 word essay NPR managed to compose on the out-of-date expression also mentions other exciting racist phrases no one has used for decades including “Chinese ace,” “Chinese national anthem,” “Chinese landing,” “Chinese home runs” and “Chinese whispers.”

In March, a Twitter firestorm of racism accusations erupted after Stephen Colbert of The Colbert Report tweeted: “I am willing to show #Asian community I care by introducing the Ching-Chong Ding-Dong Foundation for Sensitivity to Orientals or Whatever.” Somehow, the lead balloon of a tweet was an attempt to lampoon Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder after Snyder unveiled his Washington Redskins Original Americans Foundation. (RELATED: Stephen Colbert Causes Real Anger With “Fake” Racism)

The Constitution is racist according to MSNBC commentator Chris Matthews. “What is this, Michael? The Protestant Reformation?” an in-over-his-head Matthews asked Republican Michael Steele in 2011, according to the Media Research Center. “That somehow we’re going back to the purity of the original Christian church? We’re going back to the original perfection of slaveholders and how perfect they were and government is the enemy.” He was talking about Michele Bachmann.

In June 2013, right after the Chicago Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup (again), some website called Mic took the opportunity to call the team racist for its mascot. “[T]o put it bluntly, these logos reduce Native Americans to savages, to defeated enemies who have been ‘erased’ from today’s world,” the little-known site quoted a Bates College professor as writing. The very next sentence confusingly charges that “[t]he objectification, commodification, and logo-ization of a group of people (a very real, live, and living people) is cause enough for change.”

H/t: Everything Is Racism

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