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Student Leaders: Hillary Should Return The Money
« on: June 28, 2014, 09:16:11 am »
- The Daily Caller - -

Student Leaders: Hillary Should Return The Money

Posted By Seth Richardson On 3:12 PM 06/27/2014 In | No Comments

The “destitute” Hillary Clinton has been making the rounds promoting her new book (and potential 2016 presidential run), but not everyone is happy to have her speak for them. (RELATED: Hillary Says She And Bill Were ‘Dead Broke’ After White House)

Clinton demands a speaking fee upwards of more than $200,000, a sum many are calling outrageous, including student leaders at UNLV. Clinton is slated to speak at the annual fundraiser for the university’s foundation in October for a sum of $225,000, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports. (RELATED: Hillary Admits She’d Be Crazy To Run For President Again [VIDEO])

But Elias Benjelloun, student body president, and Daniel Waqar, the student government’s public relations director, were critical of the foundation paying the fee on Ralston Reports. They asked Clinton to “respectfully” return the money.

“To be honest, it’s not surprising and we really appreciate anybody who would come to raise money for the university,” Waqar said. “But anybody who is being paid $225,000 to come speak, we think that’s a little outrageous.”

Bejelloun agreed.

“We’re excited that Hillary Clinton would come to the university to fundraise on behalf of our university,” Benjelloun said. “We’re excited anyone wants to come to UNLV and fundraise on our behalf. When we heard $225,000, we weren’t so thrilled.”

The money itself is not coming from direct university funds or student fees, but Benjelloun was still upset with the move by foundation officials.

“But with those intended dollars being donated to the university they should still be spent effectively an efficiently. And we’d hope that the UNLV foundation does that and we hope that Hillary Clinton commits to higher education like she does and returns part or whole of the amount she receives for speaking.


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