Author Topic: Conservative Destroys Al Sharpton in Most Embarrassing Way Possible!  (Read 372 times)

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Conservative Destroys Al Sharpton in Most Embarrassing Way Possible!

By Onan Coca   / 29 May 2014   / 0 Comments   
The great Jason Mattera over at the Daily Surge recently caught up with our not-so-favorite racist, the Reverend Al Sharpton. What Sharpton didn’t realize and we get to enjoy in all of its glory, is that Jason is a conservative genius.

At one point Sharpton even stammers to defend himself by saying, “It was only one Jew.” Yikes.

Watch as he makes the evil liberal racist quake in his patent leather shoes.

Jerome Hudson at the Daily Surge reminds us of some of Sharpton’s greatest hits, which serve to make one wonder how Sharpton remains gainfully employed.

sharptonAl Sharpton’s history of hate is so voluminous and well documented, where does one even begin?

The time he disparaged Jews as “diamond merchants” during the unrest of the infamous Crown Heights riots?

Or when Sharpton tried goading NYC’s Jewish community into an all-out fistfight, saying “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house”?

How about referring to the Jewish owner of Freddy’s Fashion Mart, Fred Harari, as a “white interloper” for seeking to expand his business in Harlem? (You may have heard of Freddy’s. It was also known as the Harlem Massacre. One of Sharpton’s followers also disapproved of the “white interloper” and burned the store to the ground, murdering eight people including himself.)

But those tirades were just Sharpton’s anti-semitic ones. He’s also sermonized on “Greek homos” and “crackas” as well as bombarded former NYC Mayor David Dinkins with a barrage of N-bombs.

Wow. Seriously?

MSNBC must really, really love racists to give this guy a show.

Oh… and Jason Mattera is awesome.