Author Topic: Document Requests Stalled On Obamacare Contractor With No Work To Do  (Read 287 times)

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Document Requests Stalled On Obamacare Contractor With No Work To Do

Posted By Sarah Hurtubise On 9:55 PM 05/19/2014 In | No Comments

The Obama administration is already weeks late in releasing documents detailing just how much work an embattled Obamacare contractor is being given by the federal government.

Serco, a British-based company, is supposed to be processing Obamacare applications in Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma as part of a $1.34 billion contract, but St. Louis-based KMOV has reported that the company has nothing to do — and is paying employees taxpayer dollars to sleep and play Pictionary.

While Serco is supposed to be processing applications for Obamacare exchange insurance, employees told KMOV they’re not being given much work to do.

“Our supervisor said if we process one or two of these a month we have done our job,” one employee told KMOV.

Now the Obama administration appears to be stonewalling KMOV’s open-records request for documents about the work the contractor has been assigned, National Review reports. The local station’s document request was filed April 8 and the federal government is legally required to respond within 20 business days. Although the deadline passed several weeks ago, KMOV has yet to hear back from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which administers Obamacare.

“I think it would be fair to say that we’ve been waiting for this information for weeks with no specific response to our questions, and we feel like enough time has passed that we’d like to get an answer,” KMOV reporter Chris Nagus told National Review. “We think this is important to the public, and we’re concerned by the lack of transparency.”

Several lawmakers have said they are asking the Obama administration for answers on the problem, including Republican Sens. Roy Blunt of Missouri and Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Missouri Republican Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer and Missouri’s Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill.

The government watchdog Judicial Watch has been forced to sue the Obama administration multiple times in order to receive public documents regarding the health care law’s implementation.

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