Author Topic: Mega Church Pastor: Obama Legacy Is That He Destroyed The Experiment Called America  (Read 319 times)

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Mega Church Pastor: Obama Legacy Is That He Destroyed The Experiment Called America

Posted By Ginni Thomas On 10:41 AM 05/18/2014 In | No Comments

San Diego evangelical minister, James L. Garlow, says if history books are not distorted by today’s revisionistic tendencies, President Obama’s legacy should be that he’s responsible for “morally and economically destroying a wonderful experiment called America.”

In this two part video interview with Daily Caller, Pastor Garlow also says that President Obama’s Attorney General has brought the nation “legal anarchy.”

Garlow says, “I do not recall in my lifetime anything remotely close to what we are seeing. For the law enforcer in Washington D.C., the chief in America, to tell the Attorneys General across the states that you don’t have to enforce the law if you don’t like it. That is beyond anything I was taught in school. Rule of law and consent of the governed has been lost.”

Raised on the plains of Kansas, Pastor Garlow has written 12 books, having been a Wesleyan church leader in Texas for 13 years before he came to lead Skyline Church near San Diego, CA in 1995.

Courageous in the public square and a leader in the battle to protect traditional marriage from the secular humanists in California, Garlow has felt the wrath of the militant, vile left for his leadership roles, yet he continues to take strong stances for his beliefs.

Having grieved over the death of his wife of over forty years to cancer, he has just recently remarried Rosemary Schindler, also an interviewee of this Daily Caller Leader series.

Here, he discusses why so many institutions dangerously veer left with time, how the Christian church in America has moved through many stages to now being in the stage of persecuted. He also discusses his calling to befriend his enemies in the political battles of our time.

 For more information on Pastor Jim Garlow, see his blog here and his church site here.

Watch Part 2:

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