Author Topic: Media Matters Upset That Islamic Terror Group Being Identified as Such by ‘Right Wing Media’  (Read 323 times)

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Media Matters Upset That Islamic Terror Group Being Identified as Such by ‘Right Wing Media’

Posted By Stephen Kruiser On May 13, 2014 @ 5:57 pm In media,Terrorism | 22 Comments

aka “Fox News”

A “horrendous crime” that “violates every major objective of Islam.”

That’s how Daisy Khan, founder of the Women’s Islamic Initiative in Spirituality and Equality described the recent kidnappings of nearly 300 schoolgirls by Nigerian terrorist group, Boko Haram. Despite similar denunciations of Boko Haram’s actions by Muslim religious leaders, activists, organizations, and intellectuals across the world, right-wing media are set on using the kidnappings as a justification for their Islamophobic narratives and their attempt to make Boko Haram the face of Islam.

Boko Haram is a marginalized terrorist organization operating out of Nigeria whose murky ideological goals include eliminating secular education.

The gist of these defenses of Islamic terrorists by lefties every time goes something like this: it’s an “isolated incident” or a “marginalized” group or, in the case of the Boston Marathon bombers, “they were basically loners.” They are so desperate to say “all Islamists aren’t terrorists” that they make up ways to avoid saying that the key component in Islamic terrorism is the Islamic stuff. If you press them, they’ll begin barking “Timothy McVeigh!” like a chihuahua around a mailman. In their world, the anomaly has disproportionate weight, essentially giving a free pass these last twenty years to anyone who wants to ignore the obvious, terrorism-inspiring 800 lb gorilla in the room.

It’s stupid and it’s dangerous.


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