Author Topic: Poll shows dems could be in trouble at midterm elections  (Read 283 times)

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Poll shows dems could be in trouble at midterm elections
« on: May 01, 2014, 10:13:46 am »
Poll Shows Dems Could be in Trouble in November’s Midterm Elections

The last midterm election temporarily shook the Obama administration when Americans voted in a number of Republicans to the House, wrestling control away from the Democrats.  After the initial shock, Obama strived harder to keep absolute control and force the House Republicans into one compromise after another.

This year’s midterm election may be equally shocking for Obama and his entourage of liberal disciples.  Not only does it look probable that the Republicans will maintain control of the House, but some polls are indicating that they may just wrestle enough Senate seats away from the Democrats to gain control of it also.  If they can do that, then Obama’s absolute reign will be over, hopefully.

One of the latest polls to cast doubt on Senate Democrats is the Allstate/National Journal Heartland Monitor Poll.

Of the last 20 polls they’ve taken since April 2009, Obama’s current approval rating is among the lowest they’ve see at only 41% while 52% disapprove of his performance.  With such poor approval ratings, Democrats that cling to Obama’s policies may find it difficult come re-election time.

One ominous result that may have Democrats sweating the midterm elections is the comparison between those that strongly agree and strongly disagree with Obama’s performance.  In the strong v. strong breakdown, 39% said they strongly disagree with Obama’s performance compared to only 21% who said they strongly agree with the president.

When asked if Obama’s actions were increasing economic opportunity for people like themselves, only 1 in four responded yes.  This is also among Obama’s poorest showings in their polls.

When asked if the country was moving in the right direction, only 27% said yes and 62% said no.  To my surprise, 41% of minorities answered yes, leaving 59% who say no or weren’t sure.  Since Obama was largely elected by minorities, I would have expected the numbers would have been higher than they are.

No surprise was to see that only 22% of white voters polled said that the country was heading in the right direction.  If you break the white’s polled to those with or without a four year college degree, the figures reveal that only about 16% of those without a 4 year degree and 33% of those with 4 year degree say the country is moving in the right direction.

Perhaps more telling was the results of Obama’s approval and performance ratings in the seven ‘red-leaning’ states where Democratic incumbents are trying to maintain their seats in the Senate.  In those states, Obama’s ratings were very low among older whites and non-college voters.  The seven states in question – Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana, Montana, North Carolina, South Dakota and West Virginia – voted for Romney in 2012.  Their Democratic senators running for re-election in those states may have an uphill battle come this November.

While the Democratic senators from Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana and North Caroline appear to be holding their own in the polls at this time, the overall disapproval of the older and blue-collar whites in those states could well give them a very rough road to victory in November.

Overall, this poll and several others show just how dissatisfied the majority of Americans are with the Obama administration, his performance and the direction of the country.  The last time polls saw figures like these was in 2010 when Republicans regained control of the House.  Some are wondering if the same thing could happen this year with the Senate.  We can only hope and pray that they are right and that the GOP takes over the Senate and stops Obama in his tracks.

« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 10:14:09 am by rangerrebew »