Author Topic: Obama's pentagon stomps on its soldiers/officers alike: muslim-American coddled, a nation betrayed  (Read 382 times)

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Posted on March 29, 2014   

1st Lt. Behenna: Finally home after serving five years for killing al-Qaeda.

As soon as the Islamist-in-Chief took office all manner of treachery ensued. But none of his behavior is as obvious as the punishment he metes out (yes, the Pentagon follows his lead!) to America’s patriots, duly directed at on-duty soldiers/officers and vets alike, most of whom are conservative-bent. One fell swoop.

Therefore, let us count the ways in which America’s patriots are tossed away like yesterday’s trash:

Who recalls the outrageous treatment towards Lt. Col Lakin, when the decorated officer deigned to question the Commander-in-Chief’s bonafides before his re-upped deployment? Lt Col Lakin:A Hero & A Role Model.Protecting Freedom.Honorable.Unwilling To Sacrifice Core Values. In effect, the Pentagon’s position was:how dare anyone question The One!

Thus, back in Sept. 2012, the following was blared and became more than obvious to most rational folks:WARNING All Patriotic Americans:The Enemy Is You, At Least According To DHS.

As a result, Obama’s captured DHS, in sync with the Pentagon, began ordering U.S. soldiers to go after their own: Gunning For Tea Party Activists:Enlisting Army To Hunt & Identify. Blasted leaders!

Ask yourselves:are the above actions a betrayal or not? This site declares in the affirmative:The Pentagon BETRAYS Their Mandate Through Their Failure To Protect U.S. Citizens. Instead, Targeting Those Who Refuse To Negate Christian (& Judaic) Principles.

Assuredly, if a regime betrays its warriors of warriors, then nothing else should be expected but more of the same – and worse:OBAMA INC’s COVER UP OF SEAL TEAM SIX SHOOT DOWN:SECRETS MIRROR BENGHAZIGATE OMERTA. WHO WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE? Rhetorical.

Yet, for those who believe in coinqidinks, especially in matters of grave national import, stop your nonsensical thinking. Forthwith:The Pentagon’s/POTUS’s Collusion With The Muslim Brotherhood Mafia: Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Islamic Thrust!A sealed deal.

Along this trajectory, Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Pentagon pays JIZYA to Fort Hood’s “Soldier for Allah” (“workplace violence”…oh yeah): Spitting In America’s Face! Is it any wonder that the Pentagon is as trusted as a two bit whore, and a U.S. Officer is jailed for killing a “Soldier for Allah”?

U.S. Officer Jailed for Killing al-Qaeda Operative is Now Home after Five Years behind bars

by Shoebat Foundation on March 15, 2014
Five years ago, 1st Lt. Michael Behenna was sentenced to 25 years in prison – which was later reduced to 15 years – for killing an al-Qaeda operative just days after two of his military brothers were killed by an IED. After endless tears and legal fights, Behenna’s family has now brought him home after his being granted parole..Via Stars and Stripes:

Former U.S. Army 1st Lt. Michael Behenna stepped out of a van Friday morning just outside the walls of the U.S. Discplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth, having just served five years for killing an Iraqi.

His longtime girlfriend, Shannon Wahl, sprinted towards him, nearly knocking Behenna over.

Dressed in an orange hoodie, his head shaved and sporting a short, trimmed beard, Behenna was soon surrounded by his family. They hugged, gathered in a small circle and prayed before quickly leaving. They stopped a short distance later at a community center, where Behenna sat down for an exclusive interview with The Oklahoman.

“It’s overwhelming; I can’t put into words what today means,” Behenna said. “I can’t wait to get home.”

Behenna’s parole was granted last month and he was released yesterday. Though Michael’s freedom is a time for joy, that he was jailed at all for killing an enemy combatant on the field of battle, within days of losing his closest friends to agents of that enemy, remains a gross injustice.

Welcome home, Liutenant!

We salute you and thank you for your service.

To read more about our coverage of Behenna’s story, click here.

DUE to all of the traitorous actions of the current regime, does anyone in their sane mind trust Obama’s Pentagon to secure the national interest?

Hope not.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2014, 10:45:19 am by rangerrebew »

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