Author Topic: Danish travel company wants Danes to have more sex, make more babies.  (Read 350 times)

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Danish travel company wants Danes to have more sex, make more babies. This super sexy ad will help

March 28, 2014 7:35AM

THINK of Denmark and you probably don’t think of sex.

Perhaps you conjure images of new age foodies wandering the forests in search of organic fennel and wild boar they’ll wrestle to the death with their bare hands. Or maybe you think of one of those chilling Nordic murder series.

Well, it seems the Danes aren’t thinking about sex enough either. Birth rates in the northern European country are plummeting, despite all that delicious, creamy Lurpak butter.

But one company wants to change all that. Denmark’s biggest travel company Spies has made an ad which encourages Danes to get down and dirty and devilishly Danish.

Here’s the deal. The travel company obviously wants Danes to travel. So they’ve come up with an ad which argues you’re far more likely to feel sexy on a quick getaway than in the dreary routine of Danish daily life.

The TV ad includes a couple of bogus stats which would surely be impossible to verify. For example, it says Danes have 46 per cent more sex when they’re away from home. It also says 10 per cent of Danish babies are conceived on holiday.

Accurate or not, the sell is still a good one.

Danes who watch the ad are bound to go ‘yes, a quick jaunt to Paris would definitely put me in the mood more than a dreary rainy weekend in Aarhus’, which for the record is Denmark’s second biggest city.

There’s a bonus too. If you can prove you conceived on your trip away with Spies, you get a three-year supply of nappies.

But no Lurpak. That you have to pay for.