Author Topic: Did warmisn cause the government to predict a warm winter?  (Read 357 times)

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Did warmisn cause the government to predict a warm winter?
« on: February 21, 2014, 10:11:39 am »
Did Warmism Cause the Government to Predict a Warm Winter?

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On February 20, 2014 @ 4:30 pm In The Point | No Comments

Lysenkoism helped spread hunger and misery across the USSR. Warmism or Warmunism is having toxic effects in the United States.

Aside from all the jobs lost, products priced out of reach and families living from paycheck to paycheck while waiting for the Green Jobs that never come, the Warmist dogma may be crippling our ability to predict the weather.

The NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, predicted a hot winter. They were disastrously wrong. The mistake wasn’t just a technicality. Cities didn’t properly prepare for the coming winter leading to blocked roads, lost work and even deaths.

In New York, Bill de Blasio blamed the government forecasts for his botched handling of the snow situation. He’s not the only one. While local governments still had the responsibility to do the right thing, the Warmist takeover of climate science is leading us into disasters in which dogma trumps science until the snow begins to fall.

Not one of our better forecasts,” admits Mike Halpert, the Climate Prediction Center’s acting director. The center grades itself on what it calls the Heidke skill score, which ranges from 100 (perfection) to -50 (monkeys throwing darts would have done better). October’s forecast for the three-month period of November through January came in at -22. Truth be told, the September prediction for October-December was slightly worse, at -23. The main cause in both cases was the same: Underestimating the mammoth December cold wave, which brought snow to Dallas and chilled partiers in Times Square on New Year’s Eve.

Everyone makes mistakes, but erring on the side of a warm mistake isn’t an error, it’s dogma. The weather is supposed to keep getting warmer, even if it isn’t.

“Science” says the winters will be warmer and who can argue with science? Apparently not the NOAA.

The Farmer’s Almanac predicted a bitterly cold winter. Are its techniques really superior to the NOAA’s huge budget or is the NOAA crippled by Warmunism the way that Soviet agriculture was crippled by Communism and Lysenkoism?

The 197-year-old publication that hits newsstands Monday predicts a winter storm will hit the Northeast around the time the Super Bowl is played at MetLife Stadium in the Meadowlands in New Jersey. It also predicts a colder-than-normal winter for two-thirds of the country and heavy snowfall in the Midwest, Great Lakes and New England.

“We’re using a very strong four-letter word to describe this winter, which is C-O-L-D. It’s going to be very cold,” said Sandi Duncan, managing editor.

Based on planetary positions, sunspots and lunar cycles, the almanac’s secret formula is largely unchanged since founder David Young published the first almanac in 1818.

The science is settled.


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