Author Topic: Lloyd Marcus: Democrats and Liberals Keeping Blacks Enslaved  (Read 445 times)

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Lloyd Marcus: Democrats and Liberals Keeping Blacks Enslaved
« on: February 04, 2014, 05:36:34 pm »
Remember that spiky-haired blonde lady fitness guru all over TV years ago? Her famous line was “Stop the insanity!” As a common sense thinking black conservative, I offer the same clarion call to fellow black Americans, “Stop the insanity!” Why do you continue sleeping with the enemy; voting for liberal Democrats whose policies imply that you are inferior, stupid and culturally immoral?

When the NAACP and Democrats claim that requiring a photo ID disenfranchises blacks, such implies we are stupid. For the life of me, I do not understand why millions of blacks are not highly insulted by this absurd claim. Do blacks fly? Do blacks drive cars? Do blacks cash checks?

When Democrats and liberals accept over 70% out-of-wedlock births and fatherless households as a cultural norm in the black community, I am offended.  And yet, I am called a sellout.

Liberal Democrats policies and programs have destroyed the black family and continue to devastate the black community. Meanwhile, blacks vote monolithic for Democrats and politically beat up anyone, black or white, who offers common sense solutions. For crying out loud, stop the insanity!

God forbid that a black person dare to think outside of the liberals’ we-be-simpleminded-blacks-in-need-of “gov-ment”-intervention-to-survive box. Blacks becoming successful the old fashioned way, by earning it, does not cut it with Democrats and liberals. Liberal media and Democrats grab such uppity blacks by their afros and politically drag their black derrieres kicking and screaming back to the liberal Democrat plantation.

There, such blacks are strung up in the public square with their naked backs exposed; made an example for any other conservative leaning blacks contemplating their escape. Beaten, battered and broken black conservatives are flogged within an inch of their political life with countless articles and operative pundits calling them a stupid n*****, Uncle Tom and traitor to their race.

A prime example of a black overlord of the Democrat liberal plantation attempting to rein in a black escapee is North Carolina NAACP Chapter President Rev. William Barber. Black race-baiters typically use Black History Month and Martin Luther King Day to trash America for purposes of extortion.

In celebration of MLK Day, Rev. Barber called black conservative and Tea Party American Senator Tim Scott a puppet, saying, “A ventriloquist can always find a good dummy.”

More article at link: