Author Topic: Priest found stabbed to death with the words "Christian Scum" placed on his body  (Read 570 times)

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Priest Found Stabbed To Death, With The Words “Christian Scum” Placed On His Body

By Ted on January 20, 2014 in General

By Theodore Shoebat

The heresies of atheism and Islam are flooding England, and there are consequences to this, consequences that are both innate and inevitable to the dangerous acceptance of religious tolerance: violence toward Christianity.

In England, the body of the Rev John Suddards in Thornbury who was discovered, stabbed to death with a note which read ‘Christian scum”.

Over the last five years, 200 priests and vicars have been physically attacked in England. One priest was beaten in his church, another was hit over the head by a wooden stick, and another was bitten in the hand, not by an animal but a satanic hater of God.

Christian persecution is not just happening in the Middle East, its occurring in the western world. Please donate now to save Christian lives.

Father Timothy Lipscomb, the vicar of Preston, said:

I think the trouble is you don’t really do an effective job as a parish priest unless you make yourself vulnerable. It is sad that you have to protect yourself to protect others. It’s completely wrong that people should attack clergy. I am not surprised.. I think it is terrible.

What most will not admit, is that this violence is the result of religious toleration toward false and evil religions: atheism, Islam, darwinism, and all of the rotting fruits conceived by trees rooted in the underworld and fertilized and nourished by the repugnant dung of those who trump freedom for error over the liberty of truth to be believed in and observed without fear of the blood soaked hands of heretics.

This is the core root of the violence happening against Christians, and it will not end until evil ideologies are extirpated. The sons of Cain prospered throughout the earth, and because of that, “the wickedness of man was great”, “every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually”, “and the earth was filled with violence.” (Gen. 6:5,11)

Heresy leads to violence, and now the western world is having to taste its bitter fruits.