Author Topic: Anti-Hillary PAC demands Barbara Walters explain ‘Most Fascinating’ pick  (Read 600 times)

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Danny Huizinga
An anti-Hillary Clinton political action committee is demanding that Barbara Walters explain why she chose former Secretary ofSstate Hillary Clinton as her “most fascinating person of 2013″ — and the group’s petition has collected over 44,000 signatures in less than a month, The Daily Caller has learned.

The Stop Hillary PAC believes that Clinton’s failure to prevent or mitigate the damage from the September 11, 2012 terror attacks in Benghazi, Libya makes Walters’ choice inappropriate.

The petition demands that Walters explain how she finds Clinton “fascinating” while ignoring the events in Benghazi. Americans are “disgusted” with Walters’ “fawning over Hillary Clinton,” the petition argues, urging Walters to remember the four dead Americans in Benghazi.

“Millions of Americans haven’t forgotten. The families of the dead Americans haven’t forgotten. And rather than viewing Hillary Clinton as ‘fascinating’ they view her as partly responsible for this tragedy and an obstructer of justice,” said Colorado state senator and a co-founder of the Stop Hillary PAC Ted Harvey in a statement.

The petition will be sent to Walters Thursday

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