Author Topic: Charlie Daniels to Piers Morgan: 'You wouldn't last five minutes' in the Duck Dynasty swamps  (Read 581 times)

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Charlie Daniels to Piers Morgan: 'You Wouldn't Last Five Minutes' in the Duck Dynasty Swamps

By Noel Sheppard

Created 12/21/2013 - 11:07am


NewsBusters guest contributor Charlie Daniels has had enough of CNN's Piers Morgan attacking Americans he doesn't agree with.

After Morgan said about Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson via Twitter Thursday, "[T]he 1st Amendment shouldn't protect vile bigots," Daniels scolded the arrogant Brit Friday with a series of tweets that began, "Piers Morgan why don't you go back to England and straighten it out before you try to change the United States of America":

For his part, Morgan responded:

Actually, I think a gay person would prefer to go to war with someone that believes in the second amendment and knows how to use guns NOT some America-hating Brit who wants everyone's guns taken away.

How about you?

(HT Twitchy)

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