Author Topic: How the budget deal could sink — or make — the tea party’s No. 1 accomplishment  (Read 533 times)

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Offline xfreeper

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How the budget deal could sink — or make — the tea party’s No. 1 accomplishment

UPDATE: Rep. Paul Ryan and Sen. Patty Murray unveiled a budget proposal Tuesday night. The proposal, which has yet to be voted on, busts through sequester caps, setting FY 2014 spending at $1.014 trillion — billions beyond the levels mandated by sequester. The proposal contains no mention of pension reform.
Conservatives had better start paying attention to the budget battle raging in Washington: If things go south — and they are poised to do just that — the tea party’s single greatest policy victory, the sequester, could be destroyed. And worse yet, it could be destroyed in exchange for nothing.
The sequester isn’t popular with Republican defense hawks. President Barack Obama counted on that when he threw it out as an offer he believed the GOP would never take. But the president miscalculated the strength of tea party momentum, and he ended up signing into law the only year-to-year decrease in discretionary spending in modern U.S. history.

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Offline xfreeper

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It's SOP for washington. A 'solution' that allows for spending increases today for 'cuts' tomorrow. The washington version of ' I'll gladly pay you tuesday for a hamburger today'.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2013, 03:56:11 pm by xfreeper »