Author Topic: not only being fixed; its being built  (Read 900 times)

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« on: November 19, 2013, 10:18:23 pm » Is Not Only Being Fixed; It Is Being Built!

Posted 2 hours ago by Mark Horne filed under Congress, Healthcare, Obamacare, Technology




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Unbelievable. Breitbart news reports that Henry Chao, Deputy Chief Information Officer and Deputy Director of the Office of Information Services Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, testified that the system is still under construction. It is not being fixed; it is still being made.

Cory Gardner, a Republican Congressman from Colorado was questioning Chao.

Gardner: The Committee has been reviewing materials that indicates that some parts of were not completed before the launch, as we’ve discussed here. What portion or percentage of the website remained to be created when it launched on October First?

Chao: I don’t have an exact percentage….

Chao gave several reasons why he didn’t know precisely how to answer that question. So Gardner move on. He asked Chao what percentage still needed to be built “right now.”

Chao replied that he could only give an approximation. “We’re probably sitting somewhere between 60 and 70 percent… because we still have to build the payment systems to make payments to issuers in January.”


Yes, he meant there was still that much left to do!

So while Obama claimed that a tech surge was underway to fix the website for users, what he left out was that they were still using their tech people to complete the system. Much of it remains untested. When asked about testing, Chao replied that the testing on the new parts, when they were completed, would be done, “in the same exact manner we tested everything else.”

How encouraging.

So right after Christmas I think there is approximately a one-hundred percent chance that one more problem with the system will appear: No insurer will actually receive any payments from any of the few clients who have managed to purchase their policies.

Jesus really is the king of the world.