Author Topic: Common Core Teaches Second Graders To Be Good Union Comrades  (Read 1723 times)

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Offline Rapunzel

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Common Core Teaches Second Graders To Be Good Union Comrades
« on: October 28, 2013, 09:27:54 pm »

Common Core Teaches Second Graders To Be Good Union Comrades
Posted on October 28, 2013   

This Is Not The First Article Patriotsbillboard Has Posted On This Subject: If You Look At Agenda 21 Section, You’ll Find Even More, Or Just Do A Simple Search On This Website

Michael Schaus 10-28-13  Aside from the obvious objections to allowing the creators of get more involved in the education of America’s youth, a new reason to resist the creepily altruistic “Common Core” curriculum has surfaced. New Common Core teaching materials instruct second graders that land owners are intrinsically evil, that business owners are inherently greedy, and Saul Alinsky radicals are the saviors of the everyman. (Besides – and I know this should seem pretty obvious – do you really want the architects of a 17 trillion dollar debt teaching our kids things like basic math?)

According to Fox news, a textbook company contracted to produce materials under Common Core State Standards is trying to teach students as young as second grade about economic fairness by praising unions, protests and labor leader Cesar Chavez, according to an education watchdog group.

Cesar Chavez is one of the liberal movement’s most recent heroes to be considered “in vogue”; as was evidenced by Google’s decision to honor the Labor activist instead of Jesus last Easter Sunday. Chavez’s Saul-Alinsky-inspired-radicalism should put him firmly on the fringe of mainstream Americanism. (A great read on Chavez can be found here.) But, believe it or not, the textbook’s mention of Chavez is only a minor portion of the indoctrination “lesson” plan.

In addition to reading a glowing biography of the Marxist labor leader, students will be asked to evaluate the “scales of fairness” between wealthy landowners, and lowly [non-union] workers.

“Fairness and equality exist when the scales are balanced,” teachers are prompted to instruct the students. They are then supposed to ask the students whether both sides, as presented in the plan, are equal, providing a correct answer of “no” in the teachers’ guide.

See? According to Common Core standards, the fact that wealthy business owners have more than the people they hire, is “unfair.” (Although, in all fairness, second grade might be the right age group for liberals to share their ideas. This could be an honest attempt to keep the left engaged with a demographic that has an equal grasp of market forces and economic theory.)

Although I have not flipped through the comprehensive list of teaching materials tied to this disturbingly Leninist interpretation of economic “fairness”, I can make a safe assumption that the impressionable second grade economists will not be taught about the prosperity generated by business owner’s wealth; or the natural fairness of private ownership and free market.

After all, it’s kinda tough to get a job from a poor farm worker who rents his property.

Economic theories, wealth creation, John Smith’s concept of private property, market forces, and Chavez’s radicalism aside. . . There is still a pretty big question regarding why second graders would need to wrap their young brains around the concept of labor unions and so called “scales of fairness.” Quite frankly, putting any organized bureaucratic government agency in charge of disseminating such information to young children is chilling. And given the government’s tendency to view wealth creators merely as untapped tax-revenue sources, it’s unlikely that such lesson plans would be presented without anti-capitalistic bias.

Once again the common core standards illustrate a decidedly creepy intrusion of politics into education from the highest levels. While education has been largely consumed by leftist philosophies for some time, the danger of Common Core is that this absorption of political activism in the classroom will now be pushed from the Federal level. . . A painfully intense infringement on local control will await any districts that decide to adopt the Fed’s centrally planned concept of “education”.

While Karl Marx is not yet required reading under the Common Core curriculum, this latest example of the Fed’s ideological intrusion into education should set off some alarm bells. Aside from the laughable notion that a greater Federal influence in local schools will benefit the system, it makes the perversions of our kids’ worldview that much easier.

And this, comrades, concludes today’s lesson on Common Core radicalism.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline musiclady

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Re: Common Core Teaches Second Graders To Be Good Union Comrades
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2013, 09:59:15 pm »

How do we fight this kind of indoctrination of those so young?

How do we survive??
Character still matters.  It always matters.

I wear a mask as an exercise in liberty and love for others.  To see it as an infringement of liberty is to entirely miss the point.  Be kind.

"Sometimes I think the Church would be better off if we would call a moratorium on activity for about six weeks and just wait on God to see what He is waiting to do for us. That's what they did before Pentecost."   - A. W. Tozer

Use the time God is giving us to seek His will and feel His presence.

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: Common Core Teaches Second Graders To Be Good Union Comrades
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2013, 10:03:13 pm »

How do we fight this kind of indoctrination of those so young?

How do we survive??

People need to rise up and tell their local school districts as well as the state legislatures no to common core.  In lieu of stopping it - home school.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2013, 10:03:33 pm by Rapunzel »
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

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Re: Common Core Teaches Second Graders To Be Good Union Comrades
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2013, 10:05:46 pm »
Even the WashPost (granted, it's a blogger there) is criticizing the way Common Core purports to teach first graders:
By Carol Burris

My speech teacher came to see me.  She was both angry and distraught.  In her hand was her 6-year-old’s math test.  On the top of it was written, “Topic 2, 45%”. On the bottom, were the words, “Copyright @ Pearson Education.”   After I got over my horror that a first-grader would take a multiple-choice test with a percent-based grade, I started to look at the questions.

The test provides insight into why New York State parents are up in arms about testing and the Common Core. With mom’s permission, I posted the test here.  Take a look at question No. 1, which shows students five pennies, under which it says “part I know,” and then a full coffee cup labeled with a “6″ and, under it, the word, “Whole.” Students are asked to find “the missing part”  from a list of four numbers. My assistant principal for mathematics was not sure what the question was asking.  How could pennies be a part of a cup?

Then there is Question No. 12.  Would (or should) a 6 year old understand the question, “Which is a related subtraction sentence?”  My nephew’s wife, who teaches Calculus, was stumped by that one.  Finally, think about the level of sophistication required to answer the multiple-choice question in No. 8 which asks students to “Circle the number sentence that is true” from a list of four.

Keep in mind that many New York State first graders are still 5 years old at the beginning of October, when this test was given.

It is easy to point fingers at the teacher or school for giving the test, or to point fingers at Pearson for creating it.  The problem, however, goes much deeper. The problem (no pun intended) is at the core.

Question 1 on the first-grade test is based on the New York Common Core Standard, 1.OA4 Understand subtraction as an unknown-addend problem. Question 12 tests standard  1.OA6, which requires students to use the relationship between addition and subtraction to solve problems. Question 8 assesses Standard 1.OA 7 which requires students to determine whether addition or subtraction sentences are true or false. You can find the New York Common Core standards here.

This Pearson first-grade unit test is the realization of the New York Common Core math standards.  Pearson knows how the questions will be asked on the New York State tests, because they, of course, create them.  Certainly, districts buy Pearson materials in the hope of preparing their students for the tests that will evaluate teachers, principals, students and the school itself.

Part of the problem with the rushed implementation of this reform is that there was never sufficient opportunity for schools to carefully examine and critique the standards themselves.  In the field, it has been “whack a mole” as districts implement evaluation systems, testing and data driven networks while wading through thousands of pages of modules.

Are the standards reasonable, appropriate and developmentally sound—especially for our youngest learners?  ...
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Re: Common Core Teaches Second Graders To Be Good Union Comrades
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2013, 10:17:36 pm »
Educators claim they want parents involved with the children's learning, but the tests show otherwise, since parent will have no idea what they are talking about. When you have a math problem like, 6 cups take away 4 balls, how do you come up with an answer, unless it's A B C or D, and you guess.

Offline Fishrrman

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Re: Common Core Teaches Second Graders To Be Good Union Comrades
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2013, 02:42:12 am »
[[ How do we fight this kind of indoctrination of those so young?
How do we survive?? ]]

There is only one way, and it cannot involve public schools, which are destined to become ever-more leftist and indoctrinary.

It involves taking one's children OUT OF public schools, regardless of the cost.
One must choose either private or parochial schools instead.

Probably the best would be some kind of academy that endeavours to teach from the viewpoint of Western Civilization as it existed up to the 1950's -- and teach the moral and religious aspects of that civilization as well as the factual history (which itself is no longer being taught in public schools).

Trying to "turn" the leftist public schools and get them back "on track" as they once were (again, as they were in, say, 1955) is as futile as trying to change the course of the Titanic using a rowboat at the stern.

You can't reverse the tide.
But you can literally pull your kids out of it.


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Re: Common Core Teaches Second Graders To Be Good Union Comrades
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2013, 03:33:46 am »
A "subtraction sentence" is something along the lines of "6 - 4 = 2"

all things considered, I'm not sure what else one would call it.

the principal problem with Common Core in New York is the asinine way it's being implemented, not the standards it contains.  Instead of doing the common-sense thing and slowly folding the common core standards into the existing curriculum to give teachers and students time to adjust to them, New York simply tossed everyone into the deep end, metaphorically speaking:  the year before last year students were taught and tested according to the old standards; last year students were still being taught according to the old standards, but were tested according to the new standards.  That was a recipe for disaster because whatever their other failings are, the Common Core standards are much higher (and better) than the hodge-podge of standards most states have traditionally used.

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: Common Core Teaches Second Graders To Be Good Union Comrades
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2013, 03:40:18 am »
A "subtraction sentence" is something along the lines of "6 - 4 = 2"

and you think most 6-year-olds can determine this???
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776


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Re: Common Core Teaches Second Graders To Be Good Union Comrades
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2013, 04:14:12 am »
and you think most 6-year-olds can determine this???

Yes I do, because that's how math sentences - what else are you going to call them - are described to them as they start learning math.  And here's an even bigger shocker:  some schools in this country already teach to standards that are as rigorous, or more so, than the Common Core.  The school my daughter used to go to did just that, as I've just found out by seeing the common-core-based homework she brings home from her new school, which this year is at about the same level as the homework she brought home last year from her old school.

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Re: Common Core Teaches Second Graders To Be Good Union Comrades
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2013, 04:32:21 am »
Well, she's your child so you can be comfortable with her being subjected to a liberal leaning education.  Me, I would prefer they learn Math, English, History, Civics, Social Studies, etc., without indoctrination being part of the subject matter.

I happen to believe things like this have no place in our schools.

Here is the complete text of her letter back to the ridiculous teacher who assigned this homework:

I am appalled by the “Righty or Lefty” poll. First of all it is nobody’s business what mine or my 12-year-old son’s political views are. Secondly, my own son does not even know what half of these issues mean until after discussing them with him. His answers vary greatly during discussion. His views will always change as he grows and as new issues arise and he learns that these things have an effect on his life.

        As I am reading these topics, I have noticed the entire thing is pro-Liberal and con-Conservative, being completely skewed towards “Lefty-nicey/meany conservatives” ideology, which I do not approve of. The entire thing is unbalanced and an unfair and inaccurate representation. My family is NEITHER and I do not appreciate you or the school trying to pawn this assignment off on students who are too young to have valuable opinions on these subjects!

        I do not know what importance this has as being an assigned worksheet for a “major grade” (has he has informed me). I do not want to hear about it being for a government assignment! Learning about government is one thing – but it is none of your business to try and pry personal information out of a child on extremely private information. I am excusing my son from this assignment and expect this NOT to be counted against his grade.   

        Sincerely, _____.

She then goes on to conclude:

    If this assignment doesn’t necessarily fit the Common Core agenda, it certainly fits the agenda of those collecting private information on students and parents for the Jeffco School District nearby here in CO by a grant from the Gates Foundation.   This assignment is clearly an attempt to collect private data from my niece and her family through her 12 year old son.

The original source of this story is still waiting on confirmation from the school district as to whether or not this is an example of specific Common Core curriculum or a very unwise decision made by a teacher. I’m sure it aligns with the Common Core standards, though. After all, it definitely fits the criteria for “close reading” and “evidence based responses” to what the child discovered.

or this.........,118380.msg479514.html#msg479514

Common Core: Indoctrinating Fourth Graders about ‘White Privilege’

October 28, 2013
by Izzy Lyman

Kyle Olson of EAGnews, an education reform non-profit based in Muskegon, recently published a video exposing the content of the curriculum that will be used by fourth grade teachers for the Common Core national standards in English. Olson takes issue with the use of a children’s book called “The Jacket.”

Olson explains, “The story centers around a young white boy named Phil who wrongly accuses an African-American student of stealing his brother’s jacket.

This is a fun little book about racism and white privilege – a left-wing concept that teaches students the values of  an American society are actually designed to benefit white people.”

The video speaks for itself, especially the presentation by multicultural educator, Dr. Marguerite Parks of the University of Wisconsin. Take a listen.

�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

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�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776