Author Topic: I Feel Your Pain!  (Read 1282 times)

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Offline mrclose

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I Feel Your Pain!
« on: September 18, 2013, 09:40:04 am »
I see it in the forums.
I hear it from friends and family members.

You say you wont pay or participate in BozoCare?

I feel your pain but ..You wanna bet?

You may never use it (BozoCare) but one way or another .. You are going to help pay for it.
(I'm guessing that you aren't homeless, sitting in a cardboard box, posting from your found laptop, using free wifi outside of a StarBucks?)

Taxes my friend, Taxes!

(FICA ring a bell?)

You say you're wealthy (And not sitting outside that StarBucks)?
That is why the IRS is involved.
(They have 'creative' ways to look for  and 'find'.. more money than they "think" you need and tax it).

Buy food?
Purchase fuel?
Use cable?

Of course could give all of your wealth away, live like a hermit.

Dumpster dive for food.
Never watch tv.
Walk everywhere you go and then, one day ...
They find your body .. sell the clothes off of your back on ebay and your body to science!  8888crybaby

(Death Taxes!)
(Which of course ... will help pay for the BozoCare that you never voluntarily participated in! :nono:

(OR paid for) :beer:
"Hell is empty, all the devil's are here!"
~ Self

Offline Relic

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Re: I Feel Your Pain!
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2013, 12:52:39 pm »
I was in the US Navy. If you ever want to be prepared for a situation where you have very little control of your own circumstances, spend some time in the military.

I now live in an emerging communist state. I'd fight it, but to what end? The majority of residents in this newly forming communist state either applaud the new direction or just don't care.

So, I'll do the best I can to obey the rules, try to avoid sticking out, and do my best to live the best life I can in the communist paradise. It won't be easy, it won't be fun, but other options are few and unpalatable.

Civilization is entering a new "Dark Ages".