Author Topic: Transforming America … in Secret  (Read 806 times)

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Transforming America … in Secret
« on: June 10, 2013, 05:55:25 pm »
The email message from Mohamed Atta was simple and nonthreatening: “The semester begins in three more weeks. We’ve obtained 19 confirmations for studies in the faculty of law, the faculty of urban planning, the faculty of fine arts, and the faculty of engineering.” The email confirmed the Al-Qaeda targets for the morning of September 11, 2001: the “faculty of urban planning” was the World Trade Center, the “faculty of fine arts” the Pentagon. Email communication is the most efficient and effective means for transmitting information among conspirators.

Speaking of conspirators, England’s Manchester Guardian – the foreign newspaper filling the reporting gap left by America’s less than curious media – reports that functionaries in the most “transparent” White House in the history of the United States are using secret email accounts to conduct government business. It’s hard to cover-up things like weapons sales to Mexican drug cartels when email breadcrumbs lead back to the White House, forcing an unscrupulous president to invoke executive privilege to stop a Congressional investigation dead in its tracks.

Our Post-9/11 security state may brush aside the constitutional prohibition against government’s unreasonable search and seizure of our personal effects and communications, but there’s no reason the government should be subjected to the same indignities, right?

White House spokesman Jay Carney assured the press there was “nothing secret” about cabinet officials using secret emails. That they were for “internal, you know, workings.” According to the Associated Press, they “reviewed hundreds of pages of government emails released under the federal open records law and couldn’t independently find instances when material from any of the secret accounts it identified was turned over. Congressional oversight committees told the AP they were unfamiliar with the few nonpublic government addresses that AP identified so far, including one for Secretary Kathleen Sebelius of the Health and Human Services Department.”

That should clear up any uncertainty regarding the motives behind the Obama Administration’s seizure of Associated Press phone records and emails, which – for the slow-witted – had nothing to do with leaks revealing government top-secret anti-terror programs.

As I’m sure you’re aware, a fundamental change will occur in America next year when President Obama’s dictatorial health care regime takes full effect. It’s implementation is so rife with problems, Democratic Senator Dick Durbin – its chief Senate architect — described Obamacare as a “train wreck,” which factored heavily in his decision not to seek re-election.

Our government, whose National Security Agency’s domestic spy program treats each and every American like an AP reporter, didn’t want the nation to know that the creation of an authoritarian, shadow government is well underway.

Whatever Obamacare czar Sebelius is planning, she obviously doesn’t want Congress or the voting public to know. After all, the IRS that is tasked with enforcing the president’s dictatorial individual mandate is in enough trouble for secretly targeting Tea Party and conservative opponents.

And then, of course, there are congressional elections next year. In 2014, Americans will have an opportunity to elect a Congress that will support or oppose secret, authoritarian government.