Author Topic: Somebody’s Got Some ‘Splaining to Do . . . Again  (Read 1231 times)

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Somebody’s Got Some ‘Splaining to Do . . . Again
« on: January 12, 2013, 01:58:51 pm »

Somebody’s Got Some ‘Splaining to Do . . . Again
January 12th, 2013

This time, it’s be the captain and some of the crew of the USS Jacksonville, an SSN (nuclear attack sub) who need to do a bit of ” ‘splainin’ “.  Seems the USS Jacksonville ran into something in the Persian Gulf the other day, sustaining minor damage.

Thankfully the collision was apparently a minor “brush”.  The other vessel – believed to have been a fishing trawler – did not stop, did not indicate distress, and indeed did not even indicate it even realized there had been a mishap.  The USS Jacksonville, however, lost one of its periscopes – which was sheared off during the collision.

The collision occurred at 5AM local, just after the USS Jacksonville had passed through the straights of Hormuz.

There were no reported deaths or injuries.  But I’d guess several careers may well end up casualties.

If you’re thinking this sounds kinda familiar, it should.  This is the second collision in the Persian Gulf between a US warship and a merchant vessel in the last five months.


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Re: Somebody’s Got Some ‘Splaining to Do . . . Again
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2013, 02:00:33 pm »
This whole story smells big time